Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [N57] In a little while you will see me no more...
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T48170] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Evangelien und Episteln, Augsburg: Johann (II) Schönsperger (printer), 1512 (Munich, BSB), fol. LXXVIIv printing: impression page: figure hand colouring, woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T2904] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Mikołaj Rej, Swiętych słow a spraw Pańskich, ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kroynika, albo Postilia ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, BJ), fol. 109v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3003] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Grzegorz of Żarnowiec, Postylla Albo Wykłady Ewanyeliy Niedzyelnych y na Swietha przez cały Rok ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1580 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 228 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T27956] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Mikołaj Rej, Świętych słow a spraw Pańskich ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kronika albo Postilla ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 109v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T4337] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to The Apostles. In Johannes Eck, Qvinta Pars Opervm Iohannis Eckii Contra Lvthervm ..., Augsburg: Alexander (I) Weissenhorn (printer), 1533 (Munich, BSB), fol. XXXIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7088] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Martin Luther, Haußpostil D. Martin Luther, Veit Dietrich (compiler), Nuremberg: Johann vom Berg (printer), Ulrich Neuber (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. CXVIII printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T1547] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Biblia To iest Księgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), before 21 December 1575 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 669r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T5871] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ with the Disciples and Bust of God the Father. In Jakub Wujek, Postilla Catholicka Mnieysza ..., Cracow: Andrzej (I) Piotrkowczyk (printer), 1590 (Sandomierz, Biblioteka Diecezjalna w Sandomierzu), p. 219 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3526] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Mikołaj Rej, Świętych słow a spraw Pańskich, ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kroynika albo Postilia ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1 January 1560 - 24 June 1560 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. 125v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T8287] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Ewangelia vnnd Epistel teutsch ..., Nuremberg: Jobst Gutknecht (printer), 1523 (Weimar, HAAB), fol. LXVIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7600] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Martin Luther, Haußpostil D. Martin Luthers vber die Sontags vnd der f[ue]rnembsten Fest Euangelia ..., Veit Dietrich (compiler), Nuremberg: Johann vom Berg (printer), Ulrich Neuber (printer), 1545 (Halle, ULB), fol. XXII printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T8456] Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Evangelia und Episteln..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1587 (Riga, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka), fol. P3v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T2831] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien von Ostern bis auff das Aduent ..., Leipzig: Nikolaus Wolrab (printer), 1544 (Düsseldorf, ULB), fol. m3b printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T747] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Martin Luther, Auslegunge der Euangelien, von Ostern bis auffs Aduent ..., Magdeburg: Michael Lotter (printer), 1529 - 1531 (Halle, ULB), fol. XXXVIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T24448] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Evangelia und epistel wie man sie durch das gantz jar nacheinander inn der kirchen lisst, Nuremberg: Jobst Gutknecht (printer), 1538 (Munich, BSB), fol. G2v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T22932] Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), [wanting: Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles?]. In [reconstruction of Evangelia und Episteln wie man sie durch das ganze Jahr nacheinander in der Kirche liest], Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund (printer attr.), 1536 (not preserved, dispersed) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T6390] Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Michael Caelius, Ein danck, Beicht vnd Betbüchlein, Für Kinder vnd einfeltige Christen ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1550 (Munich, BSB), fol. I8v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T5911] Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien von Ostern bis auffs Aduent ..., Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1530 (Halle, ULB), fol. XXXIIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T35539] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Guilelmus Parisiensis, Postilla Guillermi Super Epistolas et Eva[n]gelia ..., Cracow: Maciej Szarfenberg (printer), Marek Szarfenberg (publisher), May 1532 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. LXXXVIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T6343] Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), Resurrected Christ as Pilgrim and the Apostles. In Veit Dietrich, Kinderpredig vom Aduendt biß auff Pfingsten gestelt durch Vitum Dietrich, Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1548 (Halle, ULB), fol. 263r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration