[T78508] | Mass of St Gregory. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Johann (I) Knobloch (printer), 1516 (Munich, BSB), fol. 20v | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T78059] | Holy Mass. In Martin Luther, Ain betbůchlin vnd Ain eua[n]gelische beicht, Augsburg: Melchior Ramminger (printer), 1523 (Wolfenbüttel, HAB), fol. C6r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T75955] | Hans Schäufelein (printmaker), Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In Das Plenarium oder Ewa[n]gely buoch: Summer vnd Winter teyl ..., Basel: Adam Petri (printer), [before 24 March] 1514 (Vienna, ÖNB), fol. CLVIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T72655] | Giacomo Mercoli (printmaker), St Hyacinth, Holding a Statue of the Virgin Mary and a Monstrance. In Klemens Chodykiewicz ( attr.), Vita di s. Giacinto dell'ordine de' Predicatori tratta da Severino, Ribadeneira, Castillo, Montalcino, Bzovio, Croiset, Pio, Bollandi, Touron, ed altri aggiuntavi una divota novena per la festa di esso santo ad uso de' suoi divoti, Turin: Gianmichele Briolo (printer), 1779 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | engraving | paper | book decoration: front matter |  | | | | | | |
[T72655] | Giacomo Mercoli (printmaker), St Hyacinth, Holding a Statue of the Virgin Mary and a Monstrance. In Klemens Chodykiewicz ( attr.), Vita di s. Giacinto dell'ordine de' Predicatori tratta da Severino, Ribadeneira, Castillo, Montalcino, Bzovio, Croiset, Pio, Bollandi, Touron, ed altri aggiuntavi una divota novena per la festa di esso santo ad uso de' suoi divoti, Turin: Gianmichele Briolo (printer), 1779 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | engraving | paper | book decoration: front matter |  | | | | | | |
[T10294] | Rosary. In Hortulus anime cum alijs q[uam]plurimis orationibus ..., Nuremberg: Friedrich Peypus (printer), Johannes Koberger (publisher), 12 December 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCIIr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74687] | Holy Mass. In Anna Siebeneicher (?), Rozmyślania Męki niewinnej Jezusa Chrystusa, Poznań: Wojciech Laktański (printer), 1681 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. O1r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74374] | Holy Communion. In Louis of Granada, Przewodnik grzesznych ludzi, Stanisław Warszewicki (translator), Cracow: Mateusz Siebeneicher (printer), 1579, fol. 168v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74369] | Holy Communion. In Louis of Granada, Przewodnik grzesznych ludzi, Stanisław Warszewicki (translator), Cracow: Mateusz Siebeneicher (printer), 1570 (Cracow, BJ), fol. 168v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74364] | Holy Communion. In Louis of Granada, Przewodnik grzesznych ludzi, Stanisław Warszewicki (translator), Cracow: Mateusz Siebeneicher (printer), 1567 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. 168v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T24882] | Hans Baldung (printmaker), Holy Mass. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Martin (II) Flach (printer), 1512 (Munich, BSB), fol. tiiir ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T24876] | Blessed Sacrament. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Martin (II) Flach (printer), 1512 (Munich, BSB), fol. qiiiir ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74198] | Holy Mass. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Wilhelm Schaffener (printer), 13 March 1498 (Frankfurt am Main, UB), fol. CLXXXIIr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74268] | Holy Communion. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Wilhelm Schaffener (printer), 13 March 1498 (Frankfurt am Main, UB), fol. CLXXIIIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74200] | Blessed Sacrament. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Wilhelm Schaffener (printer), 13 March 1498 (Frankfurt am Main, UB), fol. CLIXr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74225] | Mass of St Gregory. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Wilhelm Schaffener (printer), 13 March 1498 (Frankfurt am Main, UB), fol. LIIIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74056] | Holy Mass. In Hortulus anime, Lyon, Nuremberg: Jean Clein (printer), Anton (I) Koberger (publisher), 19 November 1513 (Boston, MS, Boston Public Library), fol. CLXVIIIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74055] | Communion. In Hortulus anime, Lyon, Nuremberg: Jean Clein (printer), Anton (I) Koberger (publisher), 19 November 1513 (Boston, MS, Boston Public Library), fol. CLXIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T74041] | Christ with Host and Chalice. In Hortulus anime, Lyon, Nuremberg: Jean Clein (printer), Anton (I) Koberger (publisher), 19 November 1513 (Boston, MS, Boston Public Library), fol. CXLIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T2395] | Tomasz Treter (designer attr.), Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. In Stanisław Reszka, De Atheismis Et Phalarismis Evangelicorum Libri duo ..., Naples: Antonio Pace (printer), Giovanni Giacomo Carlino (printer), January 1596 (Augsburg, SSB), p. 602/603 ◼ | printing: impression | inserted piece | engraving | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | 1595 | 1595‑01‑01 | 1595‑12‑31 |