Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Iconography: [Ico6213] Animal claws and paws and narrower iconographies
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T79722]Johann Friedrich Volckart (printmaker), Beaver's Paws and Beaver (Castor Fiber Linn.). In Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber, Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen (Tafelband 2), Erlangen: Wolfgang Walther (printer), 1792 - 1844, Pl. CLXXVprinting: impressionpage: figurepaperbook decoration: illustration
[T84259]Buvée (draughtsman), Beaver paws. Part of Figures pour l'histoire des quadrupèdes, par M. de Buffon, vol. III (Paris, BnF). Part of Drawings for Buffon's Histoire naturelledrawingpaperpreparatory model
[T83566]Beaver's Paws and Beaver. In Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch, Bilderbuch für Kinder: enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Früchten, Mineralien ... vol. 1, Weimar: Landes-Industrie-Comptoir zu Weimar (printer), 1792 (Halle (Saale), ULB)printing: impressionpage: figureengravingpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T77904]Louis Legrand (printmaker), Beaver paws. In Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére. Tome 8, Paris: l'Imprimerie royale (printer), 1760 (Paris, BnF), Pl. XXXVIIIprinting: impressionpage: figureengravingpaperbook decoration: illustration