[T76109] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Wooden Muscovite Cross (Crux lignea Moscovitarum). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis Monstrorvm Historia cvm Paralipomenis Historiae omnivm animalivm, Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), 1642 (Washington, DC, Smithsonian Libraries), p. 103 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T5969] | Abraham Hogenberg (printmaker), View of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (Mons Calvariae). In Theatri Praecipvarvm Totivs Mvndi Vrbivm: Liber Sextvs, Cologne: Anton Hierat (printer), 1618 (Warsaw, BN) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | hand colouring, etching | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T25] | St Adalbert surrounded by scenes from his life (Wolfegg, Kunstsammlungen der Fürsten zu Waldburg-Wolfegg) ◼ | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | | | 147 | 210 | | | | |
[T55] | Augustin Braun (designer), Jacques Granthomme (printmaker), St John Cantius adoring Mary and Child, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, surrounded by scenes from his life (Cracow, BPAU) ◼ | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | |  | 238 | 328 | | | | |
[T54] | Augustin Braun (designer), Jacques Granthomme (printmaker), St John Cantius adoring Mary and Child, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, surrounded by scenes from his life (Wolfegg, Kunstsammlungen der Fürsten zu Waldburg-Wolfegg) | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | | | 205 | 285 | | | | |
[T31] | St John Cantius adoring Mary and Child, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, surrounded by scenes from his life (Wolfegg, Kunstsammlungen der Fürsten zu Waldburg-Wolfegg) ◼ | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | | | 145 | 208 | | | | |
[T48184] | Resurrected Christ as Pilgrim and the Apostles. In Evangelien und Episteln, Augsburg: Johann (II) Schönsperger (printer), 1512 (Munich, BSB), fol. LXXVv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T6343] | Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), Resurrected Christ as Pilgrim and the Apostles. In Veit Dietrich, Kinderpredig vom Aduendt biß auff Pfingsten gestelt durch Vitum Dietrich, Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1548 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. 263r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T8286] | Resurrected Christ as Pilgrim and the Apostles. In Ewangelia vnnd Epistel teutsch ..., Nuremberg: Jobst Gutknecht (printer), 1523 (Weimar, HAAB), fol. LXV ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T31102] | Pilgrims Adoring St James the Great. In Ortulus Anime Dises büchlin ein wurtzgart ist ..., Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger (printer), 1503 (Munich, BSB) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T34561] | Pilgrims Adoring St James the Great. In Ortulus Anime Dyses büchlin ein wurtz gart ist ..., Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger (printer), 1501 (Berlin, SBB), fol. CLr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T35358] | Pilgrims Adoring St James the Great. In Hortulus animae (Horae), Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger (printer), after 28 March 1498 (Berlin, SBB), fol. CCXXIIIr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T39] | Peter Overadt (print publisher), St Adalbert Surrounded by Scenes from His Life and Miracles (Cracow, MNK, MCzart) | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | | | | | | 1604 ‑ 1605 | 1604‑01‑01 | 1605‑12‑31 |
[T38] | Peter Overadt (print publisher), St Adalbert Surrounded by Scenes from His Life and Miracles (Wolfegg, Kunstsammlungen der Fürsten zu Waldburg-Wolfegg) | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | | | 205 | 295 | | 1604 ‑ 1605 | 1604‑01‑01 | 1605‑12‑31 |
[T37] | Peter Overadt (print publisher), St Adalbert Surrounded by Scenes from His Life and Miracles (Cracow, BPAU) ◼ | printing: impression | single piece | engraving | paper | |  | 251 | 352 | | 1604 ‑ 1605 | 1604‑01‑01 | 1605‑12‑31 |
[T11289] | Sebastian Münster (designer attr.), Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Conrad Schnitt (blockcutter attr.), Typus Cosmographicus Universalis. In Simon Grynaeus, Novvs Orbis Regionvm Ac Insvlarvm Veteribvs Incognitarvm ..., Basel: Johann (I) Herwagen (printer), 1532 (Augsburg, SSB) ◼ | printing: impression | inserted piece | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T63575] | Reliquiary of the Holy Cross. In Marcin Kwiatkiewicz, Krzyz Swięty Na Swietney gorze Swietokrzyskiey Łysiec Nazwaney, Cracow: Mikołaj Aleksander Schedel (printer), 1690 (Warsaw, BUW, St.Dr.), fol. A1v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | engraving | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T63574] | Title-Page Decoration. In Marcin Kwiatkiewicz, Krzyz Swięty Na Swietney gorze Swietokrzyskiey Łysiec Nazwaney, Cracow: Mikołaj Aleksander Schedel (printer), 1690 (Warsaw, BUW, St.Dr.), fol. A1r ◼ | printing: impression | page: marginalia and borders | engraving | paper | book decoration: front matter |  | | | | | | |
[T38840] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Angels and Kneeling People Before an Altar (Reliquiae). In Sanctorvm Et Martyrvm Christi Icones quaedam artificiosissimae, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1551 (Munich, BSB), fol. E7r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T38842] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Kneeling People Praying Before a Statue of Mary and Child (Grimmental). In Sanctorvm Et Martyrvm Christi Icones quaedam artificiosissimae, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1551 (Munich, BSB), fol. E8r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |