[T51886] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Frog (Rubeta gibbosa Ges.). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis De Qvadrvpedib[us] Digitatis Viviparis Libri Tres ..., Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), Marco Antonio Bernia (publisher), Bartolomeo Ambrosini (publisher), 1645 (Warsaw, BN), p. 610 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T51885] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Toad (Bufo). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis De Qvadrvpedib[us] Digitatis Viviparis Libri Tres ..., Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), Marco Antonio Bernia (publisher), Bartolomeo Ambrosini (publisher), 1645 (Warsaw, BN), p. 609 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T51882] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Female frog with black spots (rana fluuiatilis foemina maculis nigris). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis De Qvadrvpedib[us] Digitatis Viviparis Libri Tres ..., Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), Marco Antonio Bernia (publisher), Bartolomeo Ambrosini (publisher), 1645 (Warsaw, BN), p. 591 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T45126] | Salamander (Salamandra). In Ortus sanitatis, Johannes de Cuba (compiler attr.), Mainz: Jacob Meydenbach (printer), 23 June 1491 (Munich, BSB), fol. 290r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T62876] | Salamander. In Jakub Kazimierz Haur, Skład Abo Skarbiec Znakomitych Sekretow Oekonomiey Ziemianskiey ..., Cracow: Mikołaj Aleksander Schedel (printer), 1693 (Warsaw, BN), p. 336 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T56066] | David Kandel (printmaker), Pea (Erweyssen). In Hieronymus Bock, Kreuter Bůch ..., Strasbourg: Wendelin Rihel (printer), 1546 (Vienna, ÖNB), fol. CCXXXIr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T56068] | Bean (Fäselen). In Hieronymus Bock, Kreuter Bůch ..., Strasbourg: Wendelin Rihel (printer), 1546 (Vienna, ÖNB), fol. CCXXXIIIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T54058] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Lamentation over the Dead Christ in a Floral Border with Storks and Captive Otter. In Thomas à Kempis, Deuotissime Meditationes de vita: beneficiis: et passio[n]e saluatoris Jesu chri[sti], Augsburg: Siegmund Grimm (printer), Marx Wirsung (printer), 1520 (Munich, BSB), fol. Kviv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T54150] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Lamentation over the Dead Christ in a Floral Border with Storks and Captive Otter. In Thomas à Kempis, Deuotissime Meditationes de vita: beneficiis: et passio[n]e saluatoris Jesu chri[sti], Augsburg: Siegmund Grimm (printer), Marx Wirsung (printer), 1520 (Wolfenbüttel, HAB), fol. Kviv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T54050] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Ecce Homo in a Floral Border with Storks and Captive Otter. In Thomas à Kempis, Deuotissime Meditationes de vita: beneficiis: et passio[n]e saluatoris Jesu chri[sti], Augsburg: Siegmund Grimm (printer), Marx Wirsung (printer), 1520 (Munich, BSB), fol. Fiiv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T54146] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Ecce Homo in a Floral Border with Storks and Captive Otter. In Thomas à Kempis, Deuotissime Meditationes de vita: beneficiis: et passio[n]e saluatoris Jesu chri[sti], Augsburg: Siegmund Grimm (printer), Marx Wirsung (printer), 1520 (Wolfenbüttel, HAB), fol. Fiiv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T39296] | Man Extracting Borax from Toad's Head (for Borax). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 49v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T41438] | Man Extracting Borax from Toad's Head (for Borax - Zabi kamień, Krottenstein). In Herbarz to iest, Zioł tutecznych, postronnych, y Zamorskich opisanie..., Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 328 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T67188] | [wanting: Man Extracting Borax from Toad's Head - for Borax]. In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ..., Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1556 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 166v | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T32673] | [wanting: Man Extracting Borax from Toad's Head - for Borax]. In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), [O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ...], Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1542 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 166v | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T47147] | Man Extracting Borax from Toad's Head. In Ortus sanitatis, Johannes de Cuba (compiler attr.), Mainz: Jacob Meydenbach (printer), 23 June 1491 (Munich, BSB), fol. 374v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T82766] | Salamander (Van de Salamander). In Gaius Plinius Secundus, C. Plinii Secundi des wijd-vermaerden natuurkondigers vijf boecken handelende van de nature, Amsterdam: Joost Hartgers (printer), 1650 (Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent), p. 349 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | etching | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T20151] | Georg Pencz (printmaker), Saturn Riding a Chariot and Genre Scenes (London, BM) ◼ | printing: impression | | woodcut | paper | |  | 247 | 364 | | | | |
[T71621] | Frog and Toad. In Pedanius Dioscorides, Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De Medicinali Materia Libri Sex, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), March 1543 (Munich, BSB), p. 106 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |
[T71621] | Frog and Toad. In Pedanius Dioscorides, Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De Medicinali Materia Libri Sex, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), March 1543 (Munich, BSB), p. 106 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration |  | | | | | | |