[T84216] | Nathaniel Parr (printmaker), Six animals. In A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 2, London: Thomas Astley (publisher), 1745 (New York, NYPL) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | etching | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T82757] | Tiger. In Gaius Plinius Secundus, C. Plinii Secundi des wijd-vermaerden natuurkondigers vijf boecken handelende van de nature, Amsterdam: Joost Hartgers (printer), 1650 (Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent), p. 221 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | etching | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T82799] | John Overton (print publisher), American Quadrupeds (London, BM) ◼ | printing: impression | | engraving | paper | | | 248 | 164 | | 1666 | 1666‑01‑01 | 1666‑12‑31 |
[T70661] | Tiger (Vom Thier Tigris genant). In Heinrich von Hövel, Neuwer Wunderbarlicher Thiergarten ..., Frankfurt am Main: Matthäus Becker (printer), Heirs of Christian Egenolff (publisher), 1601 (Wrocław, BUWr), p. 32 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T70631] | Jost Amman (printmaker), Tiger. In Georg Schaller, Ein neuw Thierbuch ..., Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1569 (Munich, BSB), fol. E2r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T5826] | Heinrich (I) Vogtherr (printmaker attr.), Tiger (Tigris). In Michael Herr, Gründtlicher vnderricht warhaffte vnd eygentliche beschreibung ... aller vierfüssigen thier ..., Strasbourg: Balthasar Beck (printer), 1546 (Berlin, SBB), fol. LXVv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T76054] | Tiger, Lion and Leopard (Tigres, Leones & Leopardi). In Geographica Et Hydrographica Nova Africae Descriptio, Amsterdam: Hendrik (I) Hondius (printer), 1624 (Weimar, HAAB) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T50695] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Tiger (Tigris Gesneri). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis De Qvadrvpedib[us] Digitatis Viviparis Libri Tres ..., Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), Marco Antonio Bernia (publisher), Bartolomeo Ambrosini (publisher), 1645 (Warsaw, BN), p. 104 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T50692] | Cristoforo Coriolano (printmaker), Tiger (Tigris secundum nonnullos). In Ulisse Aldrovandi, Vlyssis Aldrovandi Patricii Bononiensis De Qvadrvpedib[us] Digitatis Viviparis Libri Tres ..., Bologna: Nicolò Tebaldini (printer), Marco Antonio Bernia (publisher), Bartolomeo Ambrosini (publisher), 1645 (Warsaw, BN), p. 103 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T2353] | Tiger. In Conrad Gessner, Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae Animalium Lib[er] I de Quadrupedibus uiuiparis ..., Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1551 (Halle (Saale), ULB), p. 1060 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T62857] | Tiger or Leopard. In Jakub Kazimierz Haur, Skład Abo Skarbiec Znakomitych Sekretow Oekonomiey Ziemianskiey ..., Cracow: Mikołaj Aleksander Schedel (printer), 1693 (Warsaw, BN), p. 319 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T69969] | Jost Amman (printmaker), Tiger II. In Georg Schaller, Ein neuw Thierbuch ..., Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1569 (Munich, BSB), fol. E3r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T72253] | Hyrcanian Tiger. In André Thevet, Cosmographie de Levant ... revue et augmentée de plusieurs figures, Lyon: Guillaume Gazeau (printer), Jean de Tournes (printer), 1556 (Paris, BnF), p. 68 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T9033] | Hyrcanian Tiger. In André Thevet, Cosmographie De Levant ..., Lyon: Guillaume Gazeau (printer), Jean de Tournes (printer), 1554 (Paris, BnF), p. 67 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T6599] | Tiger (Tigris). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 8 ◼ | drawing | page: figure | | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T41509] | Tiger. In Conrad Gessner, Conradi Gesneri Medici Tigvrini Historiae Animalivm Liber Primvs De quadrupedibus viuiparis... Editio secunda ..., Frankfurt am Main: Robert Cambier (printer), 1602 (Washington, DC, Smithsonian Libraries), p. 936 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T46112] | Tiger. In Conrad Gessner, Icones Animalivm Qvadrvpedvm Viviparorvm Et Oviparorvm ..., Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1560 (Zürich, ETH-Bibliothek), p. 67 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T58153] | Hyrcanian Tiger. In Sebastian Münster, Cosmographia. Bschreibung aller Lender..., Basel: Heinrich Petri (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), p. dcxix ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T47720] | Tiger (Tygris). In Viellerley wu[n]derbarlicher Thier des Erdtrichs Mehrs vnd des Luffts allen anfahenden Malern vnd Goldtschmieden nuetzlich Sampt andern Kuenstnern, Frankfurt am Main: Cyriacus Jacob (printer), 1546 (Munich, BSB), fol. D4r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T43388] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. LIV (Lynx, Tigris Gesneri, Panthera). In Jan Jonston, Historiae Natvralis De Quadrvpetibvs Libri ..., Frankfurt am Main: Heirs of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printer), 1649 - 1652 (Mannheim, Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | engraving | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |