Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Iconography: [Ico1761] Parables of Christ and narrower iconographies
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T26007]Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum)printing: impressionextracted piecewoodcutpaper
[T3434]Parable of the Great Banquet. In Arsacius Seehofer, Postilla, Eustachy Trepka (translator), Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1 January 1557 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CXLVIprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T10190]Christ as 'the Gate for the Sheep'. In Das Newe Testament Teutsch. D. Mart. Luth. Gedruckt zu Franckfurt (1561), Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1561 (Augsburg, SSB), fol. 302vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T32432]Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Der Gros Catechismus vnd Kinder Lere ..., Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. 194vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T22139]Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), Parable of the Mote and the Beam. In [Reconstruction of: Evangelia und Episteln wie man sie durch das ganze Jahr nacheinander in der Kirche liest], Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund (printer attr.), 1534 (not preserved, dispersed)printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2774]Warning Against False Prophets. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 290printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T32385]Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Martin Luther, Deudsch Catechismus auffs new Corrigirt und gebessert, Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1538 (Munich, BSB), fol. 142printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2764]Parable of the Good Samaritan. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 203printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2740]Good Shepherd Defending His Sheep Against Wolves. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 40vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2718]Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 132vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2752]Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 113printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T7404]Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Doctrine of Christ on Possessions. In Jacob Otther, Betbüchlin, für allerley gemein anligen der Kirchen ..., Frankfurt am Main: Hermann Gülfferich (printer), 1548 (Vienna, ÖNB), fol. I5vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2773]Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 282printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2762]Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 192printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2528]Parable of the Great Banquet. In Nowy Testament, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 154printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2519]Parable of the Sower. In Nowy Testament, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 134printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2478]Parable of the Wedding Banquet. In Nowy Testament, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 49vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2470]Parable of the Wheat and Tares. In Nowy Testament, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 30printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T35529]Warning Against False Prophets. In Guilelmus Parisiensis, Postilla Guillermi Super Epistolas et Eva[n]gelia ..., Cracow: Maciej Szarfenberg (printer), Marek Szarfenberg (publisher), May 1532 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CIIIIvprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2890]Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Parable of the Sower. In Mikołaj Rej, Swiętych słow a spraw Pańskich, ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kroynika, albo Postilia ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, BJ), fol. 54vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration