Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Iconography: [Ico1681] Public life of Christ: from his baptism until the Passion and narrower iconographies
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T26042]Christ as Teacher (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum)printing: impressionextracted piecewoodcutpaper
[T18846]Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Enchiridion. Katechizmus mały prze plebany i kaznodzieje niedouczone, i lud prosty, Jan Radomski (translator), Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1562 (Gdańsk, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska), fol. 34rprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T2722]Temptation of Christ. In Martin Luther, Postilla Domowa. To yest: Kazania na Ewangelie Niedzielne y przednieysze Swięta ..., Hieronim Malecki (translator), Königsberg: Heirs of Hans Daubmann (printer), 1574 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 149vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T25705]Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ. In Veit Dietrich, Kinder-Predig, von Pfingsten bis auffs Advent ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1548 (Kremsmünster, Kremsmünster Abbey)printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T6379]Healing of a Blind Man Sitting near Jericho. In Michael Caelius, Ein danck, Beicht vnd Betbüchlein, Für Kinder vnd einfeltige Christen ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1550 (Munich, BSB), fol. H3rprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T44052]Parable of the Unmerciful Sevant. In Hieronim Krzyżanowski, Kazania W Kthorych zamyka sie iasniey niż w Katechyzmach wykład Kreda, Paćierza y Pozdrowienia Anyelskiego ..., Tomasz Płaza (translator), Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), 1566 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 156vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T8582]Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Jonas Bretkūnas, Postilla tatai esti Triumpas ir Prastas Ischguldimas Euangeliu ..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1591 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), p. 484printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T8128]Marriage feast at Cana. In Clemens Fricke, Mvsae Missae Ad Nvptias ... Sebastiani Brvlleheferi Et Virginis Margaretae, Filiae ... Casparis a Nostitz ..., Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1566 (Wolfenbüttel, HAB), fol. A1printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: front matter
[T26005]Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum)printing: impressionextracted piecewoodcutpaper
[T620]Calling of the Apostles - initial D(ominus). In Missale Cracoviense, manuscript (Gniezno, AAG), fol. 211vpainting: illuminationpage: initialparchmentbook decoration: illustration1490 ‑ 15011490‑01‑011501‑12‑31
[T7253]Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Penitent Woman Anointing the Feet of Christ at the Table of Simon the Pharisee. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien, an den fürnemesten Festen, ym gantzen iare ..., Magdeburg: Michael Lotter (printer), 1529 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CXLVIIvprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T39408]Monogrammist IS with a shovel (printmaker), Healing of a Blind Man Sitting near Jericho. In Doctrina, Vita et passio Iesv Christi ... artificiosissime effigiata, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1537 (Munich, BSB), fol. I2rprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T8458]Christ with the Disciples and Bust of God the Father. In Euangelia und Episteln..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1587 (Riga, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka), fol. Q2printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T7727]Penitent Woman Anointing the Feet of Christ at the Table of Simon the Pharisee. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien, an den fürnemesten Festen, ym gantzen iare ..., Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1530 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CXXXIIIprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T40191]Raising of the Daughter of Jairus and Healing of a Woman with an Issue of Blood. In Евангеліон, сиріч Благовістіе богодухновенных евангелист ..., Lviv: Lviv Dormition Brotherhood Press (Stauropegion Brotherhood Press) (printer), 1636 (Kyiv, Kyiv, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T40191]Raising of the Daughter of Jairus and Healing of a Woman with an Issue of Blood. In Евангеліон, сиріч Благовістіе богодухновенных евангелист ..., Lviv: Lviv Dormition Brotherhood Press (Stauropegion Brotherhood Press) (printer), 1636 (Kyiv, Kyiv, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T27907]Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Calling of Matthew. In Mikołaj Rej, Świętych słow a spraw Pańskich ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kronika albo Postilla ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 296printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T27904]Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Baptism of Christ. In Mikołaj Rej, Świętych słow a spraw Pańskich ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kronika albo Postilla ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 131printing: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T6399]Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. In Michael Caelius, Ein danck, Beicht vnd Betbüchlein, Für Kinder vnd einfeltige Christen ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1550 (Munich, BSB), fol. L3vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T27970]Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ and St Peter, and the Beloved Disciple. In Mikołaj Rej, Świętych słow a spraw Pańskich ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kronika albo Postilla ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 251vprinting: impressionpage: figurewoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration