[T84026] | Doctor and a Urine Vessel. In Baltyzer z kaliskiego powiatu, Biesiad roskosznych Część wtora (Cracow, BJ), fol. 1r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T41435] | Doctor and Patient: The Bezoar Cure (for Bezoar - Truty kamień, Bezoar, Gifftstein). In Herbarz to iest, Zioł tutecznych, postronnych, y Zamorskich opisanie..., Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 327 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T67189] | [wanting: Doctor and Patient: The Bezoar Cure (for Bezoar - Bezaar, Sirotka)]. In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ..., Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1556 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 166r | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T32674] | [wanting: Doctor and Patient: The Bezoar Cure (for Bezoar - Bezaar, Sirotka)]. In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), [O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ...], Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1542 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 166r | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T39295] | Doctor and Patient: The Bezoar Cure (Bezaar, Sirotka). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 49r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T47141] | Doctor and Patient: The Bezoar Cure (for Bezoar - Bezaar). In Ortus sanitatis, Johannes de Cuba (compiler attr.), Mainz: Jacob Meydenbach (printer), 23 June 1491 (Munich, BSB), fol. 373v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T8625] | Examination of Urine (title page of Ein Newer Albertus Magnus). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CXCI ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T8623] | Medical Examination (title page of Ein Nutzliches Büchlein vieler Bewerter Ertzney). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CLXIII ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T8622] | Dental Cure (title page of Artzney Büchlein wider allerley krancklheiten und gebrechen der Zene). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CLv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T8621] | Head Surgery (title page of Ein nutzliches Wundartzney Buechlin des hochberuemten Lanfranci). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CXVIII ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T8620] | Medical Instruments (title page of Wundartzney zu allen gebrechen des gantzen Leibs). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. CIII ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T8619] | Head Surgery (title page of Ein New Wund Artzney Buechlein, vor nihe an den tag gegeben, Durch den erfarnen Meister Lorentzen Burres von Neunkirchen). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. LXXXVIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T8618] | Head Surgery (title page of Ein New Wundartzney D. Johans von Parisiis). In Artzney buch, Tarquinius Schnellenberg (compiler), Erfurt: Melchior Sachse (printer), 19 April 1546 (Halle (Saale), ULB), fol. LXX ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T70676] | Nude Man with Bloodletting Points. In Ain regime[n]t wider Die Pestilentz vast gut Vnd nutzlich Zu dyser zeyt, Augsburg: Melchior Ramminger (printer), 1525 (Munich, BSB), fol. A1r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: front matter | | | | | | | |
[T75128] | Nude man with blood-letting points and the Zodiac. In Sebastian Śleszkowski, Sebastiani Sleszkowski Philosophiae & Medicinae Doctoris, Opera Medica Dvo, Cracow: Stanisław Giermański (printer), 1616 (Cracow, BJ), fol. 112r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T75121] | Nude man with blood-letting points and the Zodiac. In Sebastian Śleszkowski, Sebastiani Sleszkowski philosphiae et medicinae doctoris Opera medica dvo, Cracow: Stanisław Giermański (printer), [after 13 January] 1617, fol. 112r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T75124] | Nude man with blood-letting points and the Zodiac. In Sebastian Śleszkowski, Opera Medica Duo; Unum, Praxis Phlebotomiæ, [...] Alterum, De Febribus Liber, Cracow: Antoni Wosiński (printer), 1618 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 112r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T39439] | Feeding the Patient and Examination of Urine (O znamionach w ludzkich niemoczach, przez niektore znaki pewne, wedle lekarzkiey nauki). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 13r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T39437] | Flask with urine (Tu masz wiedziecz czo nasienie męzkie sperma w urinie znamionuie). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 11v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T39436] | Flask with urine (Tu masz wiedziecz czo znamionuia Atomose resolutiones tho iest subtelne bardzo proszki...). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 11r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |