Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [Ico435] Baptism scene
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T57793] St Philip Baptising the Eunuch. In Biblia to iest kxięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu [...]., Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), May 1577 - December 1577 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. 678v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T17127] Allegory of the foundation of the Cracow Academy. In Typus fundationis Acad[emiae] Cracovien[sis] ..., Cracow: 1642 (Cracow, BJ) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper
[T54790] Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Marcin Białobrzeski, Postille Albo Wykladv Swientych Ewanyeliy Czesc Wtora od Wielkieynocy do Adwentu, Cracow: Drukarnia Łazarzowa (Łazarz Printing House) (printer), Jan Januszowski (printer), 1581 (Cracow, BJ), p. 264 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T8464] Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Evangelia und Episteln..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1587 (Riga, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka), fol. S printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3180] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Martin Luther, Haußpostil D. Mar||tin Luthers vber die Sontags vnd der f[ue]rnembsten Fest Euangelia ..., Veit Dietrich (compiler), Nuremberg: Johann vom Berg (printer), Ulrich Neuber (printer), 1549 (Munich, BSB), fol. L printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T8197] Hans (II) Bocksberger (designer), Jost Amman (printmaker?), Malachi Preaching and a Baptism Scene. In Biblia Das ist: Die ganze Heylige Schrifft Teutsch ..., Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1570 (Munich, BSB), fol. 149r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T9194] Baptism Scene. In Ulrich Pinder, Speculum passionis domini nostri Ihesu christi ..., Nuremberg: Friedrich Peypus (printer), 1507 (Munich, BSB), fol. VIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T30438] Baptism Scene. In Stanisław Orzechowski, Baptismvs Rvthenorvm. Bulla de non rebaptisandis Ruthenis, Cracow: Hieronim Wietor (printer), March 1544 - December 1544 (Warsaw, BN) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3746] Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum) painting: panel painting set or complex object: poliptych: central panel oil wood memorial painting
[T16724] Diego Valadés (printmaker?), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Paris, BnF) printing: impression single piece etching paper
[T8557] Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Jonas Bretkūnas, Postilla tatai esti Triumpas ir Prastas Ischguldimas Euangeliu ..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1591 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), p. 172 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7286] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Novi Testamenti Iesv Christi Historia Effigiata ..., Frankfurt am Main: Hermann Gülfferich (printer), 1551 (Berlin, SBB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T2371] Tomasz Treter (designer attr.), Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. In Stanisław Reszka, De Atheismis Et Phalarismis Evangelicorum Libri duo ..., Naples: Antonio Pace (printer), Giovanni Giacomo Carlino (printer), January 1596 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), p. 602/603 printing: impression inserted piece engraving paper book decoration: illustration 1595 1595‑01‑01 1595‑12‑31
[T16558] Tomasz Treter (designer attr.), Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (sent to Jéronimo Osório by Hozjusz in 1574/1575) (location unknown) printing: impression single piece engraving unknown (probably paper) 1 January 1573 ‑ 18 January 1575 1573‑01‑01 1575‑01‑18
[T10553] Baptism Scene. In Ulrich Pinder, Der beschlossen gart des rosenkra[n]tz marie [vol. 2], Nuremberg: Ulrich Pinder (printer), 1505 (Munich, BSB), fol. cxlvr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T16561] Luca Bertelli (print publisher), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Cracow, BJ) printing: impression engraving paper 1574 1574‑01‑01 1574‑12‑31
[T16584] Luca Bertelli (print publisher), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Milan, Civica Raccolta Stampe Bertarelli) printing: impression engraving paper 1574 1574‑01‑01 1574‑12‑31
[T16578] Luca Bertelli (print publisher), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Florence, Uffizi, Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe) printing: impression single piece engraving paper 384 533 1574 1574‑01‑01 1574‑12‑31
[T5920] Christ and Nicodemus and a Baptism Scene. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien von Ostern bis auffs Aduent ..., Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1530 (Halle, ULB), fol. LXXX printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T32327] Baptism Scene. In Martin Luther, Deudsch Catechismus. Gemehret mit einer neuen Unterricht, Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1529 (Erfurt, UB), fol. XCIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration