Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [Ico2907] Poraj coat of arms with mitre and crozier
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T63249] Coat of Arms of Bernard Wilczek in a Wreath. In Jan Cervus, Epitome Pontificii ac C[a]esarei iuris, Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 25 - 30 November 1534 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. A1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T27] Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), Saints Andrew Zorard and Benedict Szkalka surrounded by scenes from their lives (Wolfegg, Kunstsammlungen der Fürsten zu Waldburg-Wolfegg) printing: impression single piece engraving paper 147 210 1602 1602‑01‑01 1602‑12‑31
[T25584] Saints Adalbert and Stanislaus Surrounded by 6 Coats of Arms (var. D). In Johann Burchard, Ordo Misse Secu[n]dario diligentissime correctus cu[m] notabilibus [e]t glossis sacri canonis noviter additis, Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 29 November 1512 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page