Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [Ico28] Crucifixion
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T2385] Tomasz Treter (designer attr.), Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. In Stanisław Reszka, De Atheismis Et Phalarismis Evangelicorum Libri duo ..., Naples: Antonio Pace (printer), Giovanni Giacomo Carlino (printer), January 1596 (Genoa, Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova), p. 602/603 (Genoa, Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova) printing: impression inserted piece engraving paper book decoration: illustration 1595 1595‑01‑01 1595‑12‑31
[T589] Springinklee the Elder (painter), Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Baltazar Behem, Codex picturatus Balthasaris Behem, manuscript (Cracow, BJ), fol. 200ar painting: illumination inserted piece tempera parchment book decoration: illustration 1502 ‑ 1505 1502‑01‑01 1505‑12‑31
[T589] Springinklee the Elder (painter), Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Baltazar Behem, Codex picturatus Balthasaris Behem, manuscript (Cracow, BJ), fol. 200ar painting: illumination inserted piece tempera parchment book decoration: illustration 1502 ‑ 1505 1502‑01‑01 1505‑12‑31
[T19747] Crucifixion with with Mary, John and Soldiers. In Caspar Schütz, Carmina In Fest Paschatos Celebritate Scripta ..., Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1563 (Gdańsk, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska), fol. A1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T19747] Crucifixion with with Mary, John and Soldiers. In Caspar Schütz, Carmina In Fest Paschatos Celebritate Scripta ..., Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1563 (Gdańsk, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska), fol. A1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T43611] Throne of Grace with Rola coat of arms. In Mattiolo Mattioli, Tractatus clarissimi Philosophi Et Medici Matheoli Perusini de memoria augenda per regulas & medicinas, Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), after 22 October 1530 (Warsaw, BN), fol. A1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T22231] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Missale Cracoviense, Cracow: Georg Stuchs (printer), Jan Haller (publisher), 1493 - 1501 (Cracow, BJ) printing: impression page: figure woodcut, gilding, hand colouring parchment book decoration: illustration
[T22231] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Missale Cracoviense, Cracow: Georg Stuchs (printer), Jan Haller (publisher), 1493 - 1501 (Cracow, BJ) printing: impression page: figure woodcut, gilding, hand colouring parchment book decoration: illustration
[T3750] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Missale Cracoviense, Cracow: Georg Stuchs (printer), Jan Haller (publisher), 1493 - 1501 (Munich, BSB), fol. 184v printing: impression page: figure woodcut, gilding, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T3750] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices. In Missale Cracoviense, Cracow: Georg Stuchs (printer), Jan Haller (publisher), 1493 - 1501 (Munich, BSB), fol. 184v printing: impression page: figure woodcut, gilding, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T45037] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie) printing: impression woodcut parchment 177 280
[T45037] Crucifixion with Mary, John and Angels Catching Christ's Blood in Chalices (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie) printing: impression woodcut parchment 177 280
[T33237] Crucifixion with Mary and St John the Evangelist. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Johann (I) Knobloch (printer), 1509 (Freiburg im Breisgau, UB) printing: impression page: figure hand colouring, woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T33208] Throne of Grace. In Hortulus anime, Strasbourg: Johann (I) Knobloch (printer), 1509 (Freiburg im Breisgau, UB) printing: impression page: figure hand colouring, woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T8533] Crucifixion with Mary, St John, Stephaton and Longinus. In Jonas Bretkūnas, Postilla tatai esti Triumpas ir Prastas Ischguldimas Euangeliu ..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1591 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), p. 392 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T6146] Crucifixion with Mary and St John the Evangelist. In Missale Misnense, Mainz: Peter Schöffer (printer), 1 January 1485 - 27 June 1485 (Berlin, SBB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut, gilding, hand colouring book decoration: illustration
[T2941] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Headpiece with Crucifixion scene. In Mikołaj Rej, Swiętych słow a spraw Pańskich, ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kroynika, albo Postilia ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, BJ), fol. 242 [part three] printing: impression page: marginalia and borders woodcut paper book decoration: headpiece
[T2503] Crucifixion Between the Two Malefactors, with Mary and St John the Evangelist, Longinus and Stephaton. In Nowy Testament, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 107v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T32328] Crucifixion with with St John and Three Maries. In Martin Luther, Deudsch Catechismus. Gemehret mit einer neuen Unterricht, Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1529 (Erfurt, UB), fol. LXIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T32328] Crucifixion with with St John and Three Maries. In Martin Luther, Deudsch Catechismus. Gemehret mit einer neuen Unterricht, Wittenberg: Georg Rhau (printer), 1529 (Erfurt, UB), fol. LXIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration