Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [Ico2744] Black Eagle (heraldry)
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T75187] Title-page border of La Saincte Bible. In La Saincte Bible, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (translator), Antwerp: Merten de Keyser (printer), 1534 printing: impression page: marginalia and borders woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T75603] Title-page border of Le nouueau Testament. In La Saincte Bible, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (translator), Antwerp: Merten de Keyser (printer), 1534, fol. [ir] printing: impression page: marginalia and borders woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T75719] Coat of Arms of Mikołaj Krzysztof Radziwiłł. In Aristotle, Polityki Aristotelesowey, to iest Rządv Rzeczypospolitey z dokładem Ksiag Osmioro, Sebastian Petrycy (translator), Cracow: Szymon Kempini (printer), [after 5 January] 1605 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7047] Coat of Arms of Albert of Prussia. In Cantional Albo Ksiegy chwal Boskych ..., Walenty Brzozowski (translator), Königsberg: Aleksander Augezdecki (printer), 15 March 1554 (Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka), fol. A1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T58769] Hans Rumpolt (print publisher), Uncut fragmentary sheet with four playing cards (London, BM) printing: impression single piece woodcut paper playing card 1540 ‑ 1599 1540‑01‑01 1599‑12‑31
[T2868] Hieronymus Kösler (goldsmith), Upper cover - Allegory of Law and Grace and Albert of Prussia's coat of arms. Part of Silver binding. Part of Fol. 2 from the Silver Library of Duke Albert of Prussia (Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka) crafts casting, gilding metal: silver 1554 ‑ 1562 1554‑01‑01 1562‑12‑31
[T11277] Charta Cosmographica, cvm ventorvm propria natvra et operatio. In Rainer Gemma Frisius, Appian of Alexandria, Cosmographia, Antwerp: Gregorius de Bonte (printer), 1553 (Munich, BSB), post fol. 30v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T75144] White Eagle with Vasa Held by Two Putti and Surrounded by 24 Coats of Arms. In Andrzej Lisiecki, Trybvnał Głowny Koronny siedmią splendorow oświecony, Cracow: Franciszek (I) Cezary (printer), [after 8 December] 1638 (Prague, NK ČR), fol. A1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T74748] Quarterly Coat of Arms of Stanisław Tęczyński. In Antoni of Napchanie, Enchiridion to iest Kxiąszki ręczne o nauce chrześcijańskiey, czego sie chrześcijański człowiek dzierżeć ma czasu ninieyszey rozności wiary, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), 1558 (Warsaw, BN), fol. A1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T57697] Hussite Wars. In Johannes Stumpf, Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten, Landen und Völckeren Chronick wirdiger Thaaten Beschreybung [part 1], Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1548 (Zürich, ZB), fol. 85r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T57693] Conflicts between Louis the German and Charles the Bald. In Johannes Stumpf, Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten, Landen und Völckeren Chronick wirdiger Thaaten Beschreybung [part 1], Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1548 (Zürich, ZB), fol. 39r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T73665] Battle. In Nenia Na Zbiegłą Zgodę Z Polski Vtrapioney, Cracow: Szymon Kempini (printer), 1607 (Cracow, BJ), fol. B2v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T73570] Title-page with St John the Baptist in Architectural Frame with Putti, Saints Bishops, Nuremberg and Holy Roman Empire Coats of Arms. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. [aair] printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T70677] Title-page border and Dives Seeing Lazarus in Paradise. In Martin Luther, Ain Sermon Secundu[m[ Lucam am. 16. vo[n] dem verdampten reyche man Vn[d] des selige[n] armen Lazaro, Augsburg: Melchior Ramminger (printer), 1522 (Munich, BSB), fol. A1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T61592] White Eagle with Vasa Held by Two Putti and Surrounded by 24 Coats of Arms. In Jakub Witeliusz, Panegyris serenissimo Wladislao Sigismvndo, Dei gratia Poloniae et Sueciae principi, electo magno duci Moschouiae [...], feliciter e bello Turcico redevnti et Academiam Crac. [...] inuisenti, Cracow: Maciej Jędrzejowczyk (printer), 5 December 1621 - 31 December 1621 (Warsaw, BN) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T45933] View of Gdańsk. In Raccolta Di Le Piv Illvstri Et Famose Citta Di Tvtto Il Mondo (Munich, BSB) printing: impression page: figure engraving paper book decoration: illustration
[T42455] Albrecht Dürer (printmaker), Conrad Celtis Presenting The Book to Maximilian I. In Conrad Celtes, Conradi Celtis ... Qvatvor libri amorvm secvndvm qvatvor latera Germanie, Nuremberg: 1502 (Warsaw, BN), fol. A1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: title page
[T67871] Initial d(As Buch Hiob). In Das Alt Testament dütsch, der ursprünglichen ebreischen Waarheyt nach uff das aller truwlichest verdütschet, Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1525 (Zürich, ZB), fol. Iv printing: impression page: initial woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T6543] Caspar Felbinger (blockcutter), Albert of Prussia as Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, in an architectural frame. In Kaspar Henneberger, Ercleru[n]g der Preussischen grössern Landtaffel oder Mappen ..., Königsberg: Georg Osterberger (printer), 1595 (Munich, BSB), p. 207 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T62124] Reichsadler. In Christian Egenolff, Chronica: Von an vnd abgang aller Weltwesen, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CXIIIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration