[T37741] | Safflower (Carthamus, Wild Saffran). In Herbarum Imagines uiuae Der kreuter Lebliche Contrafaytung, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1535 (Munich, BSB), fol. 31r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T33804] | Saffron crocus (Crocus, szafran). In O ziolach y o moczy gich : O paleniu wodek z ziol ; O Oleykoch przyprawianiu ..., Stefan Falimirz (translator), Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 24 December 1534 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 8r ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T19902] | Coriander (Coriandrum, Koriander, Koriander). In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), [O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ...], Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1542 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 19v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T43131] | Wood violet (captioned Iris, Illiriada, Uranian, Gladiolus Illyricus, Fiołkowy Korzeń). In Marcin of Urzędów, Herbarz Polski, To iest O Przyrodzeniv Zioł Y Drzew Rozmaitych ..., Cracow: Drukarnia Łazarzowa (Łazarz Printing House) (printer), Jan Januszowski (printer), Jan Firlewicz (publisher), [after 9 July] 1595 (Cracow, BJ), p. 175 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T21944] | Wallflower and wood violet (for Wood violet - Fiołki Marcowe, Viola purpurea, Mertzen feylichen). In Herbarz to iest, Zioł tutecznych, postronnych, y Zamorskich opisanie..., Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Mikołaj Szarfenberger (printer), 1568 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 181 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T66861] | Wallflower and wood violet (for Wood violet - Fijołki, Weiel). In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ..., Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1556 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 93 | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T20501] | Wallflower and wood violet (for Wood violet - Fijołki, Weiel). In Hieronim Spiczyński ( attr.), [O Ziolach tutecznych y zamorskich y o mocy ich ...], Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1542 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 93 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T22621] | Dead-nettles (Marthwa pokrzywa, Galiopsis, Todt nesselen). In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), p. 199v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T22622] | Cranesbill (Bocianie noski, Geranium pirimum, Storcken schnabel). In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), p. 199v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T22623] | Peony (Piwowonija, Poeonia, Glicht wurtz, Peonion rosen). In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), p. 200 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T22624] | Wallflower (Fijołki żółte, Leuceium luteum, Gelle violen, Geel feilichen). In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), p. 200 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T21962] | Horse training. In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 188v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T21961] | Buying a horse. In [Lekarstwa doświadczone], Marcin Siennik (compiler), Cracow: Łazarz Andrysowicz (printer), 1564 (Warsaw, BN), fol. 185v ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T70200] | Onycha (Unguis odoratus). In Adam Lonitzer (?), Herbarvm, arborvm, frvcticvm ... imagines, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1546 (Munich, BSB) ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut, hand colouring | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T67984] | Grass of Parnassus (Blusczoperz, Gramen Parnasi, Parnaszer grasz). In Szymon Syreński, Zielnik herbarzem z ięzyka Łacinskiego zowią ..., Cracow: Bazyli Skalski (printer), Mikołaj Lob (printer), January 1610 - March 1613 (Warsaw, BN), p. 1308 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T69409] | False lily of the valley (captioned as Grass of Parnassus - Gramen Parnasi). In Pietro Andrea Mattioli, De Plantis Epitome vtilissima Petri Andreae Matthioli Senensis, Frankfurt am Main: Johann Feyerabend (printer), 1586 (Bamberg, SBB), p. 744 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T50994] | Maidenhair spleenwort (Politrichum, Rot Maur Steinbrech). In Adam Lonitzer (?), Herbarvm, arborvm, frvcticvm ... imagines, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1546 (Munich, BSB), p. 211 ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T69811] | Viper's bugloss (Wolowy yazyk plany, Echium, Wildt Ochsen zung). In Pietro Andrea Mattioli, Herbarz: ginak Bylinář, welmi užitečný, a figůrami pieknymi..., Tadeáš Hájek (translator), Prague: Jiří Melantrich (printer), 1562 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CCCLIXv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T69895] | Alkanet (Wolowy yazyk cerweny, Anchusa, Rodt Ochsen Zung). In Pietro Andrea Mattioli, Herbarz: ginak Bylinář, welmi užitečný, a figůrami pieknymi..., Tadeáš Hájek (translator), Prague: Jiří Melantrich (printer), 1562 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CCCLIXr ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |
[T70298] | Maidenhair spleenwort (Netijk, Trichomanes, vulgo Polytrichum, Roter Steinbrech). In Pietro Andrea Mattioli, Herbarz: ginak Bylinář, welmi užitečný, a figůrami pieknymi..., Tadeáš Hájek (translator), Prague: Jiří Melantrich (printer), 1562 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CCCLVIIv ◼ | printing: impression | page: figure | woodcut | paper | book decoration: illustration | | | | | | | |