Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T63146] Device of Stanisław Szarfenberger Held by Two Angels. In Aristotle, Aristotelis De arte rhetorica libri tres, Carolo Sigonio interprete, Carlo Sigonio (translator), Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), [after 1 May] 1577 (Warsaw, BN) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T63140] Device of Stanisław Szarfenberger Held by Angels. In Tomasz Rerus, Historia O dziwnym naleźieniu Ciała Bożego na tym mieyscu gdźie teraz w Poznaniu Kośćioł Bożego Ciała zową z niektoremi cudami ktore Pan Bo Wszechmogący y po dźiś dźień okazować racży, Cracow: Stanisław Szarfenberger (printer), 1583 (Wrocław, Oss.) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T62558] Tailpiece with Strapwork and Putto. In Tilemann Heshusen, Postilla. Das ist Aüßlegung der Sonteglichen Euangelien Durchs gantze Jar, Magdeburg: Paul Donat (printer), Ambrosius (II) Kirchner (publisher), 1590 (Halle, ULB) printing: impression page: marginalia and borders woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T21851] Allegory of Death. In Jean de Cartigny, O Czterech ostatecznych rzeczach, kxięgi czwory ..., Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1562 (Wrocław, Oss.), [after colophon] printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T62714] Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. In Jakub Kazimierz Haur, Skład Abo Skarbiec Znakomitych Sekretow Oekonomiey Ziemianskiey ..., Cracow: Mikołaj Aleksander Schedel (printer), 1693 (Warsaw, BN), p. 172 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T62249] Coat of Arms of Friedrich Wilhelm I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar. In Martin Luther, D.Martini Lvtheri Theologi Conciones diebvs dominicis et festis domi publiceque habitae, Johannes Wanckel (translator), Annaburg, Torgau: Fürstlich Sächsische Hofbuchdruckerei (printer), 1597 (Halle, ULB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T61711] Coat of Arms of Toruń. In Jan Kalckstein ( attr.), Postilla to iest, kazania albo wykłady ewangelij swiętych, Toruń: Andrzej Koteniusz (printer), 1594 (Kórnik, BK PAN) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T60785] Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Jude Thaddeus. In Martin Luther, Hawßpostil D. Martin von furnembsten Festen durchs Jar, Veit Dietrich (compiler), Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1545, fol. XCIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T61006] Colophon with Coat of Arms of Albert of Brandenburg in Heraldic Border. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Paderborn, Erzbischöfliche Akademische Bibliothek), fol. CCCCCLXXVIIIv printing: impression page: marginalia and borders woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T60831] Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Paul. In Johann Spangenberg, Postilla Teütsch: für die jungen Christen, Knaben und Meydlin, in Fragstücke verfasset, Von den fürnem[m]sten Festen, durch das gantze Jar, Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. LIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T60037] Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Punishment of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. In Sacra Biblia, Das ist Die gantze H. Schrifft Alten und Newen Testaments ..., Kaspar Ulenberg (translator), Cologne: Johann Krebs (printer), 1630 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego), fol. LXXXIVr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T60343] Heinrich Steiner's Printer's Device. In Thomas Widmann, Die Histori der geburt leydens vn[d] sterbens begrebdnus, Aufferstehung, erscheynung, vn[d] Him[m]elfart vnsers Herren vn[d]f Hailands Jhesu Christi, Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T60386] Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker), Title-Page Border with Putti. In Arsacius Seehofer, Außlegung Der Sontäglichen Euangelien von dem Aduent biß auff Ostern ... Außlegung Der Sontäglichen Euangelien von Osteren biß auff das Aduent ..., Johannes Klopfer (translator), Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1543 (Berlin, SBB), fol. A1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T59850] Printer's Device. In Johann Cochlaeus, Specvlvm Antiqvae Devotionis Circa Missam, Et Omnem Alivm Cvltvm Dei, St. Viktor vor Mainz: Franz Behem (printer), 1549 (Regensburg, Staatliche Bibliothek) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T59834] Printer's Device. In Constitvtiones Concilii Provincialis Mogvntini, St. Viktor vor Mainz: Franz Behem (printer), 1549 (Munich, BSB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T37217] Coat of Arms of Bishop Jan Karnkowski. In Stanisław Byliński, Defensorium Ecclesie aduersus Laurentiu[m] Coruinu[m] ..., Cracow: Maciej Szarfenberg (printer), 9 March 1531 - 27 March 1531 (Kórnik, BK PAN) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T59609] Colophon of Sermones exhortatorii ad viros sacre religionis. In Gáspár Pesti ( attr.), Sermones exhortatorij ad viros sacre religionis decore ornatos, breues & vtiles, voluptatibusq[ue] huius vitae miserrime abrenunctiantibus, Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 1531, fol. 22v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T38122] Colophon of Sermones exhortatorii ad viros sacre religionis. In Gáspár Pesti ( attr.), Sermones exhortatorij ad viros sacre religionis decore ornatos, breues & vtiles, voluptatibusq[ue] huius vitae miserrime abrenunctiantibus, Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 1531 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. 22v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T58652] Printer's Device of Lucas Alantsee. In Pomponii Melae Hispani, libri de situ orbis tres, adiectis Ioachimi Vadiani Heluetii in eosdem Scholiis, Vienna: Lucas Alantsee (printer), 1518 (Munich, BSB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon
[T58659] Imperial Eagle with Four Coats of Arms and the Order of the Golden Fleece. In Pomponii Mflae [!] Geographiae, libri tres. Hermolai Barbari in eunde[m], integrae castigatio[n]es. Index in Pomponio, Vienna: Hieronim Wietor (printer), Johann Singriener (printer), 4 September 1512 (Munich, BSB) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: colophon