Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [F52] Feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle (24 August)
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T75994] St Bartholomew. In Das Plenarium oder Ewa[n]gely buoch: Summer vnd Winter teyl ..., Basel: Adam Petri (printer), [before 24 March] 1514 (Vienna, ÖNB), fol. CCLXVIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T67790] St Bartholomew Healing a Sick Woman. In Johannes Eck, Der drit Thail christenlicher Predigen an den hohen Festen und Hochzeytlichen Tagen der Hayligen, Augsburg: Alexander (I) Weissenhorn (printer), 1531 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCXr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T26136] St Bartholomew Healing a Sick Woman. In Johann Spangenberg, Postilla Teütsch für die jungen Christen Knaben vnd Meidlin in Fragstuck verfasset Von den fürnemsten Festen durch das gantze Jar ..., Augsburg: Valentin Otmar (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. LXXIXv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66336] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Johann Spangenberg, Auslegung Der Episteln und Evangelien, Auf die vornehmsten Feste durch das gantze Jahr. Dritter Theil, Lüneburg: Sternische Buchdruckerei (printer), 1794 (Halle, ULB), fol. 65v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T62613] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles and God the Father in a Border with Putti and Birds. In Tilemann Heshusen, Postilla. Das ist Außlegung der Euangelia auff alle Fest vnd Apostel Tage durchs gantze Jahr Sampt funffzehen Passion Predigten. Durch D. Tilemannum Heßhusium, Magdeburg: Paul Donat (printer), Ambrosius (II) Kirchner (publisher), 1590, p. 349 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66260] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Martin Moller, Praxis Evangeliorum, Das ist: Einfältige, nützliche Erklärung und Betrachtung Der Evangelien, Lüneburg: Sternische Buchdruckerei (printer), 1753 (Dresden, SLUB), p. 1060 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T6983] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Caspar Huberinus, Postilla Teutsch Vber alle Fest vnd gemeine Feyertag der Heyligen durchs gantze Jar ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1553 (Prague, NK ČR), fol. 123v printing: impression page: figure hand colouring, woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T22119] St Bartholomew. In Sanctorvm Kalendarii Romani, Iuxta Concilium Tridentinum restituti, Imagines In Aere Excisae, Antwerp: Christophe Plantin (printer), 1584, p. 285 printing: impression page: figure engraving paper book decoration: illustration
[T62739] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Martin Moller, Praxis Evangeliorum, Das ist: Einfältige, nützliche Erklärung und Betrachtung Der Evangelien, Lüneburg: Johann Stern (printer), 1697 (Leipzig, UB), p. 1060 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T62449] Strife among the Apostles Which of Them Should be Accounted the Greatest. In Georg Scherer, Christliche Postill, Von Heyligen, vnnd vber die Fest, so ausser deß Sontags, durchs gantze Jahr hinumb in der Catholischen Kirchen offentlich gefeyeret werden, Premonstratensian Cloister in Louka near Znojmo (Klosterbruck): Stift Klosterbruck Druckerei (printer), 1605 (Munich, BSB), p. 457 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T60898] Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Bartholomew. In Johann Spangenberg, Postilla Teütsch: für die jungen Christen, Knaben und Meydlin, in Fragstücke verfasset, Von den fürnem[m]sten Festen, durch das gantze Jar, Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. LXXXv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T60804] Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Bartholomew. In Martin Luther, Hawßpostil D. Martin von furnembsten Festen durchs Jar, Veit Dietrich (compiler), Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner (printer), 1545, fol. LXXVIIIv printing: impression page: figure hand colouring, woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T2953] Monogrammist I.C.B. (blockcutter attr.), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Mikołaj Rej, Swiętych słow a spraw Pańskich, ktore tu sprawował Pan ... Kroynika, albo Postilia ..., Cracow: Maciej Wirzbięta (printer), 1556 - 5 January 1557 (Cracow, BJ), fol 287v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T2273] Jost Amman (designer, printmaker?), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Jakub Wujek, Postylle Katholiczney o Swiętych Część Wtora Letnia ..., Cracow: Jakub Siebeneicher (printer), 1584 (Wrocław, Oss.), p. 346 printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7467] Two Regiments. In Martin Luther, Haußpostil D. Martin Luther, Veit Dietrich (compiler), Nuremberg: Johann vom Berg (printer), Ulrich Neuber (printer), 1544 (Munich, BSB), fol. LXII printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T21214] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Postilla To Iest, Kazania Abo porządne wyprawięnie wßystkich Ewangelij ..., Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), ante 3 October 1556 (Wolfenbüttel, HAB), fol. CCLXXIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T7257] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ with the Disciples and Bust of God the Father. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien, an den fürnemesten Festen, ym gantzen iare ..., Magdeburg: Michael Lotter (printer), 1529 (Halle, ULB), fol. CLVIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T25737] Albrecht Dürer's workshop (printmaker), Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Veit Dietrich, Kinder-Predig, von Pfingsten bis auffs Advent ..., Nuremberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1548 (Kremsmünster, Kremsmünster Abbey) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3471] Christ Explaining His Doctrine to the Apostles. In Arsacius Seehofer, Postilla, Eustachy Trepka (translator), Königsberg: Hans Daubmann (printer), 1 January 1557 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. CCLXXIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T3240] Hans Brosamer (printmaker), Christ's Farewell Discourse to the Disciples. In Martin Luther, Auslegung der Euangelien, an den fürnemesten Festen, im gantzen jar ..., Leipzig: Nikolaus Wolrab (printer), 1545 (Regensburg, Staatliche Bibliothek), fol. XLVIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration