Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [F181] Acts of the Apostles
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T486] St Paul Bitten by a Viper. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. MM4v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T485] Eutychus Raised from the Dead by St Paul. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. MM1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T484] Conversion of St Paul. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. LL1v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T483] St Philip Baptising the Eunuch. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. LL1r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T482] Stoning of St Stephen. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. KK6v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T481] St Peter, Ananias and Sapphira. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. KK5r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T480] Pentecost. In Biblia to iest Xięgi Starego y Nowego Zakonu, Cracow: Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg (printer), 1561 (Cracow, BJ), fol. KK3v printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T75752] St Stephen. In La Saincte Bible, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (translator), Antwerp: Merten de Keyser (printer), 1534, fol. xlixr printing: impression page: figure white‑line woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T75750] Pentecost. In La Saincte Bible, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (translator), Antwerp: Merten de Keyser (printer), 1534, fol. xlviiv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66789] Hans Lützelburger (blockcutter), Pentecost. In Das new Testament, yetzund recht grüntlich teutscht, Basel: Adam Petri (printer), December 1522 (Basel, UB), fol. LXXVr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66174] Initial D(Ie erst red) - Moses's Speech of Admonition. In Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichẽ Ebraischen vnd Griechischen waarheyt ..., Huldrych Zwingli (translator), Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1531 (Zürich, Grossmünster), fol. CCXLIXr printing: impression page: initial woodcut, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T66173] St Luke Writing. In Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichẽ Ebraischen vnd Griechischen waarheyt ..., Huldrych Zwingli (translator), Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1531 (Zürich, Grossmünster), fol. CCXLIXr printing: impression page: figure woodcut, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T66190] Initial P(Etrus ein Apostel) - St Peter's Vision of the Unclean Beasts. In Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichẽ Ebraischen vnd Griechischen waarheyt ..., Huldrych Zwingli (translator), Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1531 (Zürich, Grossmünster), fol. CCXCIXr printing: impression page: initial woodcut, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T66101] [wanting: Purgatory??]. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library), fol. h8r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66025] Purgatory. In Nowy Zakon, Nuremberg: Friedrich Peypus (printer), 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. h8r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T61007] Initial D(Ie erste rede) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Paderborn, Erzbischöfliche Akademische Bibliothek), fol. CCCCCIIr printing: impression page: initial woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T60062] Ludwig Frig (Monogrammist LF) (blockcutter attr.), Ascension. In Sacra Biblia, Das ist Die gantze H. Schrifft Alten und Newen Testaments ..., Kaspar Ulenberg (translator), Cologne: Johann Krebs (printer), 1630 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego), fol. LXVIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T60063] Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Pentecost. In Sacra Biblia, Das ist Die gantze H. Schrifft Alten und Newen Testaments ..., Kaspar Ulenberg (translator), Cologne: Johann Krebs (printer), 1630 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego), fol. LXVIIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T59998] Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist HR (16th/17th c.) (blockcutter attr.), Philip Meeting the Eunuch Travelling in a Chariot. In Sacra Biblia, Das ist Die gantze H. Schrifft Alten und Newen Testaments ..., Kaspar Ulenberg (translator), Cologne: Johann Krebs (printer), 1630 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego), fol. LXXIVr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T60045] Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Liberation of St Peter. In Sacra Biblia, Das ist Die gantze H. Schrifft Alten und Newen Testaments ..., Kaspar Ulenberg (translator), Cologne: Johann Krebs (printer), 1630 (Łódź, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego), fol. LXXVIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration