Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Things – [F177] Gospel of Matthew
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T74878] Last Judgment. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLVIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74876] Resurrected Christ Appearing to the Apostles. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLVIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74874] Entry into Jerusalem. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLVv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74872] Discussion with Pharisees about the Plucking of Corn. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLIIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74870] Healing of a Leper. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLIv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74868] Christ Explaining His Doctrine (Christ's Condition for Prayer). In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T74865] St Matthew Writing. In Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), Anton (II) Koberger (publisher), 10 May 1518 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCXLIXv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T59309] Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. In Thomas Widmann, Kleyne Bibel : Hjstori von Erschaffung der Welt ... Nach ordenung der Biblien gestellet, vnd mit schönen Figuren fürgemalt, Frankfurt am Main: Christian Egenolff (printer), 1547 (Munich, UB der LMU), fol. Hiiv printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T29357] Monogrammist MS (printmaker attr.), St Matthew Writing. In Biblij cžeská, Prague: Jiří Melantrich (printer), Bartoloměj Netolický (publisher), 1549 (Prague, NK ČR), fol. Nnn5r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66731] Hans Lützelburger (blockcutter), St Matthew Writing. In Das new Testament, yetzund recht grüntlich teutscht, Basel: Adam Petri (printer), December 1522 (Basel, UB), fol. Ir printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66166] Initial D(Iss ist das buch) - Moses's Speech of Admonition. In Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichẽ Ebraischen vnd Griechischen waarheyt ..., Huldrych Zwingli (translator), Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1531 (Zürich, Grossmünster), fol. CXCIIr printing: impression page: initial woodcut, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T66165] St Matthew Writing. In Die gantze Bibel der vrsprünglichẽ Ebraischen vnd Griechischen waarheyt ..., Huldrych Zwingli (translator), Zürich: Christoph Froschauer (printer), 1531 (Zürich, Grossmünster), fol. CXCIIr printing: impression page: figure woodcut, hand colouring paper book decoration: illustration
[T66128] Pharisees or Sadducees Opposing Christ. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66149] Pharisees Opposing Christ. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66137] Parable of the Wedding Banquet. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66143] Entry into Jerusalem. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library), fol. D5r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66148] Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library), fol. D4r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66147] Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library), fol. D2r printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66097] Christ and the Canaanite Woman. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration
[T66100] [wanting: Christ Explaining His Doctrine?]. In Nowy Zakon, Prague: Jan Had (printer), 4 June 1538 (Prague, Strahov Monastery, Strahov library) printing: impression page: figure woodcut paper book decoration: illustration