Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Iconography: [Ico6113] Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia)
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T82881]Von den Kutzennellen oder Coccionellen, Carmin, Florentiner Lac, & c.. In Michael Bernhard Valentini, Museum Museorum, Oder Vollständige Schau-Bühne Aller Materialien und Specereyen, Frankfurt am Main: Johann David Zunner (printer), 1714 (Bamberg, SBB), p. 516printing: impressionpage: figureetchingpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T78772]Jacob Andreas Fridrich (printmaker), Cochineal production in South America. In Johann Jacob Scheuchzer, Kupfer-Bibel, In welcher Die Physica Sacra ..., Augsburg, Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner (printer), Johann Andreas Pfeffel (publisher), 1731 - 1735 (Zürich, ETH-Bibliothek), Pl. CLXXVprinting: impressionpage: figureetchingpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T75794]Martin Frobenius Ledermüller (designer), Landscape study of cochineal production in South America. In Martin Frobenius Ledermüller, Amusement microscopique tant pour l'esprit, que pour les yeux : contenant cinquante estampes dessinées d'après nature, vol. 1, Nuremberg: Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt (printer), 1764, tab. XXVIIIprinting: impressionpage: figureengraving, hand colouring, etchingpaperbook decoration: illustration