Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Iconography: [Ico2816] Printed historiated initial
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T44690]Initial Q(uod) - Two Putti Carrying Grapes. In Andrzej Lubelczyk, Tvmvltvaria Responsio In Libellvm Philipi Melanctonis ..., Cracow: Jan (Elyakim) Helicz (printer), 1540 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. A2rprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T44687]Initial Q(Vod) - Two Putti Carrying Grapes. In Hippocrates, Hippocratis Coi Epistola moralis disputatione[m] Democriti contine[n]s Rinutio interprete Cum epistola Mecoenati in sanitatis conservatione[m] elegentiss[ime] conscripta, Cracow: Jan (Elyakim) Helicz (printer), 1540 (Wrocław, Oss.)printing: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T59653]Initial Q(Vi de mortuis) - Two Putti Carrying Grapes. In Jan Leopolita, Vivificae Passionis Christi Hystorica explanatio, Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1537, fol. Aiivprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T38532]Initial Q(Vi de mortuis) - Two Putti Carrying Grapes. In Jan Leopolita, Vivificae Passionis Christi Hystorica explanatio, Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), 1537 (Kórnik, BK PAN), fol. Aiivprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T59673]Initial Q(VOTIES) - Two Putti Carrying Grapes. In Bartolomej Georgijević, Pro Fide Christiana cum Turca disputationis... descriptio, Cracow: Helena Unglerowa (printer), after 1 January 1548 (Warsaw, BN), fol. A2rprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57709]Initial V(Nd es geschah) - Melchizedek's Offering. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCLXVrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57640]Initial V(Nd Josias hatt) - Melchizedek's Offering. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCXrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcut, hand colouringpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T56950]Initial V(Nd der HERR) - Melchizedek's Offering. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB)printing: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58029]Initial D(Iss ist des HEREN) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCXVrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58028]Initial D(AS ist der last) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCXIIIIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57722]Initial D(Is ist des HEREN) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCXIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57715]Initial D(Is ist des herren) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCVvprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57714]Initial D(As ist das wort) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCIIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T57634]Initial D(As seind die spruche) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCLXXVIIIvprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58247]Initial D(Ie offenbarung) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCCLXVIIIvprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58243]Initial D(As da von anfang) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCCLXVvprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58041]Initial D(Ie erste rede) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCCIIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58037]Initial D(Is ist der anfang) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCLXIIIIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58035]Initial D(As buch der geburt) - Passage Through the Red Sea. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCXLVIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration
[T58030]Initial I(M achten Monat) - Temptation and Fall. In Biblia, beider Allt unnd Newen Testamenten..., Johann Dietenberger (translator), Mainz: Peter Jordan (printer), Peter Quentel (publisher), before 27 June 1534 (Munich, BSB), fol. CCCCXVIIrprinting: impressionpage: initialwoodcutpaperbook decoration: illustration