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  • Mainz production place : 23 June 1491
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      "Unlike André, who identified apium rusticum or agreste with Ranunculus scelereratus L. or Ranunculus sardous Crantz, Giulio Paulis had, probably correctly, identified it with Oenanthe crocata L. 'hemlock water dropwort' ... Recent research done in Italy has confirmed such a connection through the use of chemical analysis" (Vincenzo Ortoleva, The Meaning and Etymology of the Adjective Apiosus, In 'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin Medical Texts, ed. Brigitte Maire, Leiden: Brill, 2014, p. 277)

    Created by
    • Wojciech Milej (2023-04-18 08:12)

    Edited by
    • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec; Wojciech Milej; Anna Suchecka

    Last update by
    • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (2023-06-27 21:08)