Words – Publication - Pb22497

The vvhite vvolfe or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Feb. 11. : being the last Sonday in Hillarie tearme, anno 1627

London: Robert Milbourne (publisher), George Miller (printer), 1627

Alternate titles
  • The vvhite vvolfe or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Feb. 11. : being the last Sonday in Hillarie tearme, anno 1627. and printed somewhat more largely then the time would permit at that present to deliuer. Wherein faction is vnmasked, and iustly taxed without malice, for the safetie of weake Christians. Especially, the Hetheringtonian faction growne very impudent in this citie of late yeeres, is here confuted. By Stephen Denison, minister of Katherine Cree-Church, London
  • London production place : 1627
Bibliographical catalogue entries
State of art
Created by
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (2024-10-10 14:34)

Edited by
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec

Last update by
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (2024-10-10 14:42)