Words – Publication - Pb131

Biblia Ad Vetvstissima Exemplaria Nvnc Recens Castigata ...

Jerome of Stridon (translator)
Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1566

Alternate titles
  • Biblia Ad Vetustissima Exemplaria Nunc Recens Castigata
  • BIBLIA || AD VETVSTISSIMA || EXEMPLARIA NVNC RE=||CENS CASTIGATA.|| HIS ACCESSERVNT SCHEMATA || TABERNACVLI MOSAICI, TEMPLI SALOMINIS, OM-||niumʻq; praecipuarum historiarum, summa || arte & fide expressa.|| HEBRAEA ITEM, CHALDAEA, GRAECA ET || LATINA NOMINA VIRORVM, MVLIERVM, POPVLORVM, IDOLORVM, VRBIVM,|| Fluuiorum, Montium, caeterorumʻq; locorum, quae in Biblijs leguntur restituta || cum Latina interpretatione, ac locorum è Cosmo-||graphis descriptione.|| ... ||
Bibliographical catalogue entries
State of art
Created on
  • 2024-03-26 19:27

Edited by
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec; Martyna Osuch

Last update by
  • Martyna Osuch (2024-03-26 19:27)