Techniques and Reception of Prints in Central and Eastern Europe (15th–18th c.)
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London, British Museum
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Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Resurrected Christ Appearing to His Mother (Höltzel)
(London, BM).
Part of
Dürer's Small Passion
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Ascension of Christ (Höltzel)
(London, BM).
Part of
Dürer's Small Passion
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Christ before Caiaphas (Höltzel)
(London, BM).
Part of
Dürer's Small Passion
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Flagellation (Höltzel)
(London, BM).
Part of
Dürer's Small Passion
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Incredulity of Thomas (Höltzel)
(London, BM).
Part of
Dürer's Small Passion
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Hans (II) Holbein (designer), Veit Rudolf Specklin (blockcutter), Hieronymus Froben (print publisher),
Erasmus of Rotterdam
(London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Monstrous pig of Landser
(London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Man of Sorrows
(London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (printmaker),
Ascension of Christ
(London, BM)
Gérard Audran (printmaker),
Putto Carrying the Thunderbolts of Jupiter
(London, BM)
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Book copies
Es werden heunt umb I.Uhr in dem Fecht-hauß, überauß zween Ungarische wilde Stier
, Strasbourg: 1575 - 1585 (London, BM)
Burkard Waldis,
So wir den Geschichtschreybern glauben...
, Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund (printer), ca 1543 (London, BM)
Diß Monstrum ist auff Natange[n] ym Lanndt zu Preussenn zwo meyl von Königßbergk ... geporn worden von einem Schwein (This horryble monster is cast of a Sowe in Eestlande in Pruse two myle from Kunyngbergh / This horryble monster is cast of a Sowe in Eestlande in Pruse two myle from Kunyngbergh
, London: Peter Treveris (printer), ca 1531 (London, BM)
Hans Sachs,
Klag der wilden Holtzleüt, vber die vngetrewen Welt
, Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund (printer), 1545 (London, BM)
[single pages from] Missale Romanum, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilij Tridentini restituum Pii V. Pont. Max. Iussu Editum
, Antwerp: Christophe Plantin (printer), 1574 (London, BM)
Hans Sachs,
[Klag der wilden Holtzleüt uber die ungetrewen Welt]
, Augsburg: David de Negker (printer), ca 1560 (London, BM)
Biblia Ad Vetvstissima Exemplaria Nvnc Recens Castigata ...
, Jerome of Stridon (translator), Frankfurt am Main: Sigmund Feyerabend (printer), 1566 (London, BM)
Sigismvndvs eius nominis primus Casimiri regis filius...
, Cracow: Hieronim Wietor (printer), 1532 (London, BM)
Der vergottet Mensch
, Bad Wimpfen: Heinrich (I) Vogtherr (printer), ca 1524 (London, BM)
Horaria Commemoratio Dominice Passionis
, St. Viktor vor Mainz: Franz Behem (printer), 1547 (London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (draughtsman),
(London, BM).
Part of
Elk and Wisent (London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (draughtsman),
(London, BM).
Part of
Elk and Wisent (London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
Elk and Wisent
(London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (draughtsman),
(London, BM).
Part of
Elk and Wisent (London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (draughtsman),
(London, BM).
Part of
Elk and Wisent (London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
Albrecht Dürer (draughtsman),
Walrus Head
(London, BM).
Part of
Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)
(London, BM)
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Created on
2021-10-13 13:38
Edited by
Grażyna Jurkowlaniec
Last update by
Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (2023-06-28 15:15)