Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 58 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC701]Christ with the disciples and God the Father sending the dove of the Holy Ghost[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC798]Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749)
Human-shaped devil (Iconclass:11K1)
[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC5211]Christ with the disciples and the Pharisees or Sadducees[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC1903]Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863)[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F176] Gospel of John
[IcoC1908]Farewell of the apostles (Iconclass:73C712)[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F176] Gospel of John
[IcoC4263]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
Dove of the Holy Ghost (Iconclass:11E1)
[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC1890]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F176] Gospel of John
[IcoC1242]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC3263]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F176] Gospel of John
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
Risen Christ
[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC1421]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter
[IcoC807]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...)[F67] 4th Sunday after Easter