Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 11 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC11472]Assunta (Madonna on the crescent of the moon) (Iconclass:11F4132)
St John on the island of Patmos (Iconclass:73G11)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
Symbol of St John (Iconclass:11I421)
[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F8] Passion sermons (postil) or Lord's Passion service on Good Friday
[IcoC8817]Agony in the Garden (Iconclass:73D312)
Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood (Iconclass:73D641)
[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F8] Passion sermons (postil) or Lord's Passion service on Good Friday
[IcoC2385]St Augustine of Hippo (Iconclass:11H(AUGUSTINE))
Symbol of St John (Iconclass:11I421)
[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F8] Passion sermons (postil) or Lord's Passion service on Good Friday
[IcoC3002]Crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene (Iconclass:73D643)
Soldiers leaving Golgotha (Crucifixion) (Iconclass:73D675)
[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F176] Gospel of John
[IcoC621]Crucifixion (Iconclass:73D6)[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F176] Gospel of John
[IcoC5264]Crucified Christ with Mary, John, Stephaton and Longinus (the three crosses) (Iconclass:73DD645)[N26] Passion of Christ (John)[F176] Gospel of John