Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 61 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC11481]Letter I (Iconclass:49L12(I))
Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ (Iconclass:73C7247)
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC9007]Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ (Iconclass:73C7247)[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC8609]Debit, debt (Iconclass:46B451)
Money-lender, usurer (Iconclass:46B512)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC7812]Christ with the disciples and the Pharisees or Sadducees[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC838]God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC1840]Good tree bearing good fruit; corrupt tree bearing evil fruit (Iconclass:73C8182)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC2500]Christ instructing the disciples on reconciliation and the Pharisees[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC2828]False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC786]Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC1691]Defecation (Iconclass:31A62)
Dragon (Iconclass:25FF422)
False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Letter of indulgence
Organization, functionaries and dignitaries in Roman Catholic church; clergy in general (Iconclass:11P31)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC1682]Christ with the disciples and the Pharisees or Sadducees[N22] Warning against false prophets[F177] Gospel of Matthew
[IcoC1322]False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Letter of indulgence
Organization, functionaries and dignitaries in Roman Catholic church; clergy in general (Iconclass:11P31)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC3701]Dragon (Iconclass:25FF422)
False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Organization, functionaries and dignitaries in Roman Catholic church; clergy in general (Iconclass:11P31)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC3704]Good tree bearing good fruit; corrupt tree bearing evil fruit (Iconclass:73C8182)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F177] Gospel of Matthew
[IcoC4192]False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Organization, functionaries and dignitaries in Roman Catholic church; clergy in general (Iconclass:11P31)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC3702]False prophets - wolves in sheep's clothing (Iconclass:73C824)
Good tree bearing good fruit; corrupt tree bearing evil fruit (Iconclass:73C8182)
Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)
[N22] Warning against false prophets[F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC740]Warning against false prophets (Iconclass:73C824)[N22] Warning against false prophets[F177] Gospel of Matthew