Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC3302] Canonization of St Hedwig by Clement IV (Iconclass:11HH(HEDWIG OF SILESIA)84)
Christ from a crucifix blessing St Hedwig
Ciołek coat of arms with a galero
Penitence of St Hedwig of Silesia
St Hedwig healing the two blinds and miraculously removing a fishbone from nun’s throat
St Hedwig of Silesia disconnecting the rod from the hand of a woman through her prayer
St Hedwig of Silesia foretelling future events
St Hedwig of Silesia healing many sicks through a blessing with the image of the Virgin
St Hedwig of Silesia performing the works of mercy
St Hedwig of Silesia saving two hanged men from death and releasing them
St Hedwig of Silesia taking a vow of chastity
St Hedwig of Silesia tormented by demon in her bed
St Hedwig tuning water into wine
St Stanislaus, St Mary Magdalene, St Catherine, St Ursula and St Thecla appearing to the dying St Hedwig of Silesia
Sweet smell wafting from head of St Hedwig of Silesia after her death
The fallen candle not setting fire to prayer book of St. Hedwig of Silesia during her prayer.
[IcoC3313] Christ from a crucifix blessing St Hedwig
St Hedwig entering a monestery
St Hedwig healing the two blinds and miraculously removing a fishbone from nun’s throat
St Hedwig of Silesia foretelling future events
St Hedwig of Silesia healing many sicks through a blessing with the image of the Virgin
St Hedwig of Silesia saving two hanged men from death and releasing them
St Hedwig of Silesia washing the feet of a leper
St Hedwig of Silesia with her husband taking up vow of chastity before the bishop
St Hedwig tuning water into wine
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów appearing to St Hedwig of Silesia
The fallen candle not setting fire to prayer book of St. Hedwig of Silesia during her prayer.