Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC3285] Brith of St Casimir
Canonization of St Casimir by Leo X (Iconclass:11H(CASIMIR)84)
Łada coat of arms
St Casimir adoring the crucified Christ
St Casimir as a prince
St Casimir dismissing unchaste women during his illness
St Casimir healing sicks from various diseases after his death
St Casimir leading the Lithuanian army across the river
St Casimir losing his senses during a holy mass
St Casimir on horseback appearing to the Polish army
St Casimir praying in front of the door of the closed church at night
St Casimir rewarding the vow which was made to him with the victory
St Casimir robbed of his clothes
St Casimir sleeping on the ground instead of the soft bed
St Casimir writing songs in honor of the Virgin and St Stanislaus
[IcoC7904] Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Coat of arms of the Cracow Academy (Jagiellonian University)
Mary and Child (Iconclass:11F4)
Pogoń [chase] coat of arms
St Casimir as a prince
St John Cantius (Iconclass:11H(JOHN CANTIUS))
White Eagle with Vasa in the inescutcheon
[F192] Title page (postil or sermons) 2
[IcoC3320] Brith of St Casimir
Canonization of St Casimir by Leo X (Iconclass:11H(CASIMIR)84)
Death of St Casimir
Miracles at the tomb of St Casimir
St Casimir as a prince
St Casimir before King Casimir
St Casimir healing sicks from various diseases after his death
St Casimir leading the Lithuanian army across the river
St Casimir losing his senses during a holy mass
St Casimir on horseback appearing to the Polish army
St Casimir praying in front of the door of the closed church at night
St Casimir receiving the crown of Hungary
St Casimir sleeping on the ground instead of the soft bed
[IcoC5444] Bogoria coat of arms with a galero
Eustachy Wołłowicz (Iconclass:61B2(WOŁŁOWICZ, EUSTACHY))
St Casimir as a prince
St Stanislaus raising Piotrowin
[IcoC3676] Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Pogoń [chase] coat of arms
St Casimir as a prince
[F193] Title page (devotional literature) 1
[IcoC1720] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Official seal of the Jesuits
St Adalbert (Wojciech) (Iconclass:11H(ADALBERT OF PRAGUE))
St Casimir as a prince
St Florian of Lorch (Iconclass:11H(FLORIAN))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
St Wenceslas flaming eagle
[F268] Title page (liturgical book) 10
[IcoC7003] St Adalbert (Wojciech) (Iconclass:11H(ADALBERT OF PRAGUE))
St Casimir as a prince
St Florian of Lorch (Iconclass:11H(FLORIAN))
St Hyacinth, holding a statue of the Virgin Mary and a monstrance, miraculously crossing the river Dnieper (Iconclass:11H(HYACINTH)51)
St Stanislaus Kostka (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS KOSTKA))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
White Eagle with John III Sobieski's coat of arms
[IcoC1779] Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Pogoń [chase] coat of arms
St Casimir as a prince
[F109] Feast of St Casimir (4 March) 1
[IcoC986] Battle (Iconclass:45H3)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Pogoń [chase] coat of arms
St Casimir as a prince
[F265] Title page (varia) 3
[IcoC157] Antigonus I Monophthalmus (Iconclass:98B(ANTIGONUS I MONOPHTHALMUS))
Augustus (Roman Emperor) (Iconclass:98B(AUGUSTUS))
Four cardinal virtues (Iconclass:11M4)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Jerusalem cross (Iconclass:11D123(JERUSALEM CROSS))
Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (Iconclass:61B2(MIKOŁAJ KRZYSZTOF RADZIWIŁŁ))
Official seal of the Jesuits
Prospect of city, town panorama, silhouette of city (Iconclass:25I12)
Quarterly Radziwiłł Princely Coat of Arms (Iconclass:46A122)
St Casimir as a prince
Vilnius (Iconclass:61E(VILNIUS))
[IcoC1812] St Casimir as a prince [F193] Title page (devotional literature) 2
[IcoC1717] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Official seal of the Jesuits
St Adalbert (Wojciech) (Iconclass:11H(ADALBERT OF PRAGUE))
St Casimir as a prince
St Florian of Lorch (Iconclass:11H(FLORIAN))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
St Wenceslas flaming eagle
[IcoC1108] Castitas (Iconclass:33C8120)
Constantia (Iconclass:53A21)
St Casimir as a prince
[IcoC3299] Pogoń [chase] coat of arms
St Casimir as a prince
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
[F265] Title page (varia) 1