Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC5598] Battle of Mohács (29 August 1526) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF MOHÁCS))
Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Cavalry battle (Iconclass:45H3(+22))
[F354] Hájek's Chronicle 1
[IcoC5016] Battle of Loděnice (23 January 1179) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF LODĚNICE))
Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Cavalry battle (Iconclass:45H3(+22))
[F354] Hájek's Chronicle 1
[IcoC376] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Coat of arms of Kingdom of Hungary
Coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire (star and crescent)
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Emperors and Empresses (Iconclass:44B112)
Fleur-de-lis (lily in heraldry)
Inhabitants of distant lands
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Pepper (Piper) (Iconclass:25G4(PEPPER))
Princes and prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire
Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle)
Ruler, sovereign (Iconclass:44B1)
Sultans of the Ottoman Empire
Tartars (Iconclass:32B)
Turks (Iconclass:32B)
[F264] Title page (scholarly work) 2
[IcoC4949] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Devil, demon (Iconclass:11K)
Dog (Canis familiaris) (Iconclass:34B11)
Mieszko I (Iconclass:61B2(MIESZKO I))
[IcoC4808] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Devil, demon (Iconclass:11K)
Dog (Canis familiaris) (Iconclass:34B11)
Mieszko I (Iconclass:61B2(MIESZKO I))
[F345] Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio 1
[IcoC1419] Bohemia (personification) (Iconclass:44A51(BOHEMIA))
Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (Iconclass:61B2(FERDINAND I))
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Polonia (personification of Poland) (Iconclass:44A51(POLONIA))
Stanisław Hozjusz (Iconclass:61B2(STANISŁAW HOZJUSZ))
[IcoC1720] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Official seal of the Jesuits
St Adalbert (Wojciech) (Iconclass:11H(ADALBERT OF PRAGUE))
St Casimir as a prince
St Florian of Lorch (Iconclass:11H(FLORIAN))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
St Wenceslas flaming eagle
[F268] Title page (liturgical book) 10
[IcoC1780] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Letter L (Iconclass:49L12(L))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
St Wenceslas flaming eagle
[F299] Feast of Translation of Relics of St Wenceslaus (4 March) 1
[IcoC4551] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION))
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia (Iconclass:61B2(WENCESLAUS II OF BOHEMIA))
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 1
[IcoC4961] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION))
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia (Iconclass:61B2(WENCESLAUS II OF BOHEMIA))
[IcoC1880] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
[F309] Miechowita's Chronicle 4
[IcoC1717] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Official seal of the Jesuits
St Adalbert (Wojciech) (Iconclass:11H(ADALBERT OF PRAGUE))
St Casimir as a prince
St Florian of Lorch (Iconclass:11H(FLORIAN))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS))
St Wenceslas flaming eagle
[IcoC4950] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Bolesław I the Brave (Iconclass:61B2(BOLESŁAW I THE BRAVE))
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
[IcoC7045] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
[IcoC4631] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION))
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia (Iconclass:61B2(WENCESLAUS II OF BOHEMIA))
[F345] Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio 5
[IcoC4535] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Bolesław I the Brave (Iconclass:61B2(BOLESŁAW I THE BRAVE))
Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141)
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Panoply (Iconclass:45L3111)
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 1
[IcoC4809] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Bolesław I the Brave (Iconclass:61B2(BOLESŁAW I THE BRAVE))
Lorraine Cross (heraldry)
[F345] Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio 1
[IcoC2344] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 6
[IcoC4534] Bohemian Lion (silver double-tailed lion)
Devil, demon (Iconclass:11K)
Dog (Canis familiaris) (Iconclass:34B11)
Mieszko I (Iconclass:61B2(MIESZKO I))
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 1