Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC9030] Creation of the animals (Iconclass:71A25)
Elevation of the brazen serpent (Iconclass:71E3242)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Jacob's ladder (Iconclass:71C3121)
Martin Luther (Iconclass:61B2(MARTIN LUTHER))
Putto (Iconclass:92D1916)
Sacrifice of Isaac (Iconclass:71C131)
Symbols of the Four Evangelists (Iconclass:11I42)
Transfiguration of Christ (Iconclass:73C713)
[F172] Title page (Bible or part of) 1
[IcoC8489] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Letter P (Iconclass:49L12(P))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[IcoC7989] Catching of quails (Iconclass:71E1253)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Moses striking water from the rock (Iconclass:71E126)
[IcoC7930] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541) 5
[IcoC1341] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Letter P (Iconclass:49L12(P))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[F15] 2nd Sunday of Advent 2
[IcoC157] Antigonus I Monophthalmus (Iconclass:98B(ANTIGONUS I MONOPHTHALMUS))
Augustus (Roman Emperor) (Iconclass:98B(AUGUSTUS))
Four cardinal virtues (Iconclass:11M4)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Jerusalem cross (Iconclass:11D123(JERUSALEM CROSS))
Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (Iconclass:61B2(MIKOŁAJ KRZYSZTOF RADZIWIŁŁ))
Official seal of the Jesuits
Prospect of city, town panorama, silhouette of city (Iconclass:25I12)
Quarterly Radziwiłł Princely Coat of Arms (Iconclass:46A122)
St Casimir as a prince
Vilnius (Iconclass:61E(VILNIUS))
[IcoC4196] Flock of quails flying into the Israelite camp (Iconclass:71E1253)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Moses striking water from the rock (Iconclass:71E126)
[F185] Exodus 4
[IcoC4194] Catching of quails (Iconclass:71E1253)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Moses striking water from the rock (Iconclass:71E126)
[F185] Exodus 6
[IcoC4031] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541) [F73] Luther's Passional 1
[IcoC3885] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541) [F179] Bielski's Chronicle 6
[IcoC3724] Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541) [F185] Exodus 13
[IcoC656] Adoration of the golden calf (Iconclass:71E135)
Elevation of the brazen serpent (Iconclass:71E3242)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
Moses breaking the tables of the law (Iconclass:71E13541)
Moses receiving the tables of the law from God (Iconclass:71E1343)
Passage through the Red Sea (Iconclass:71E122)
[F172] Title page (Bible or part of) 5
[IcoC4197] Catching of quails (Iconclass:71E1253)
Gathering of manna (Iconclass:71E12541)
[F185] Exodus 1