Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC2104] Aaron (Iconclass:11I62(AARON))
Archbishop; bishop (Iconclass:11P3113)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Melchizedek (Iconclass:11I62(MELCHIZEDEK))
Ordination, holy orders and priests (Iconclass:11Q7325)
Pope (Iconclass:11P3111)
Sacrifice of Isaac (Iconclass:71C131)
Sacrifices of Cain and Abel (Iconclass:71A81)
[IcoC9113] Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
St Cyril of Alexandria
[IcoC5075] Geocentric theory (cosmology) (Iconclass:49E131)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Kneeling figure (Iconclass:31A233)
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Spheres ~ heavens (Iconclass:24G)
Szymon Syreński (Iconclass:61B2(SZYMON SYREŃSKI))
[F264] Title page (scholarly work) 1
[IcoC10225] Angels with the arma Christi (Iconclass:73D81(+3))
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[IcoC6140] Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Judgment (Iconclass:11U)
Mouth of Leviathan (Iconclass:11T41)
St Peter in papal tiara (Iconclass:11H(PETER)1)
[F267] Colophon (varia) 1
[IcoC3457] Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Judgment (Iconclass:11U)
Mouth of Leviathan (Iconclass:11T41)
[F265] Title page (varia) 1
[IcoC1824] Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Judgment (Iconclass:11U)
Mouth of Leviathan (Iconclass:11T41)
St Peter in papal tiara (Iconclass:11H(PETER)1)
[F265] Title page (varia) 9
[IcoC9189] Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Rosary (prayer) (Iconclass:11Q75121)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ 1
[IcoC9187] Ascension (Iconclass:73E42)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ 1
[IcoC3907] Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ 4
[IcoC567] Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[F51] Feast of the Assumption (15 August) 2
[IcoC9167] Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[IcoC998] Apostles
Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Innocents (Iconclass:11H(HOLY INNOCENTS))
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Holy Virgins
Holy Widows (Iconclass:11HH(...))
Male persons from the Old Testament (Iconclass:11I62)
Prophets (Iconclass:71O; 71S)
Public worship and liturgy of the Christian churches (Iconclass:11Q7)
Saint Confessors
[IcoC9139] Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Assumption of Mary (Iconclass:73E77)
Christ among the Doctors (Iconclass:73B9)
Circumcision of Christ (Iconclass:73B3)
Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Flight into Egypt (Iconclass:73B641)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281)
Pentecost (Iconclass:73E5)
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Iconclass:73B4)
Raising of Lazarus (Iconclass:73C523)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
St Luke writing (Iconclass:11H(LUKE)12)
St Mark writing (Iconclass:11H(MARK)12)
St Matthew writing (Iconclass:11H(MATTHEW)12)
Symbols of the Four Evangelists (Iconclass:11I42)
Visitation (Iconclass:73A6)
[F192] Title page (postil or sermons) 3
[IcoC9124] Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[F265] Title page (varia) 2
[IcoC7840] Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242)
Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood (Iconclass:73D641)
Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
Flood (Genesis) (Iconclass:71B33)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES))
Risen Christ triumphant over death, sin, evil and Satan
St Peter (Iconclass:11H(PETER))
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[F172] Title page (Bible or part of) 2
[IcoC8948] Aaron and his four sons ordained by Moses (Iconclass:71E21)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242)
Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood (Iconclass:73D641)
Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
Flood (Genesis) (Iconclass:71B33)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES))
Risen Christ triumphant over death, sin, evil and Satan
St Peter (Iconclass:11H(PETER))
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[IcoC8579] All saints (Iconclass:11H(ALL SAINTS))
Angels with the arma Christi (Iconclass:73D81(+3))
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
St Peter (Iconclass:11H(PETER))
[IcoC8459] All saints (Iconclass:11H(ALL SAINTS))
Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
[IcoC392] Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N5] Te igitur prayer [F61] Canon of the mass 1