Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC12464]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[N145] Parable of the wedding banquet[F177] Gospel of Matthew1
[IcoC9179]Healing of a man with a withered hand (Iconclass:73C462)
Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ1
[IcoC739]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[N126] Healing of a man with dropsy[F89] 17th Sunday after Trinity49
[IcoC8742]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[N18] Healing of a paralytic at Capernaum[F91] 19th Sunday after Trinity1
[IcoC8569]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)
Supper at Emmaus (Iconclass:73E344)
[N126] Healing of a man with dropsy[F89] 17th Sunday after Trinity1
[IcoC7822]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[N98] Parable of the lost sheep[F76] 3rd Sunday after Trinity1
[IcoC3627]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[F175] Gospel of Luke10
[IcoC6174]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)[F191] Life or passion of Christ2
[IcoC189]Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463)8