Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC943]Christ before the Sanhedrin
Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)
[F282] Brenz's Passion and Easter sermons1
[IcoC530]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)
St John the Evangelist (Iconclass:11H(JOHN))
Sword (Iconclass:45C13(SWORD))
Virgin Mary (Iconclass:11F)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ2
[IcoC1670]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)[F177] Gospel of Matthew2
[IcoC3592]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)[F191] Life or passion of Christ26
[IcoC2354]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)[F8] Passion sermons (postil) or Lord's Passion service on Good Friday6
[IcoC1018]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)[F282] Brenz's Passion and Easter sermons1
[IcoC16]Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323)5