Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC8745]Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452)[N181] Christ foretelling his passion and healing a blind man sitting near Jericho[F26] Quinquagesima Sunday1
[IcoC3631]Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452)[F175] Gospel of Luke11
[IcoC6176]Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452)[F191] Life or passion of Christ2
[IcoC736]Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452)[N155] Healing of ten lepers[F86] 14th Sunday after Trinity51
[IcoC184]Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452)8