Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC2412] Butcher, slaughterman (Iconclass:47B1814)
Cannibalism, cannibals (Iconclass:41C9)
Dolphin (Iconclass:25F27(DOLPHIN))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Hut, cabin, lodge (Iconclass:41A18)
Lodovico di Varthema (Iconclass:61B2(VARTHEMA, LODOVICO DI))
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Pepper (Piper) (Iconclass:25G4(PEPPER))
[IcoC11555] Chameleon (Iconclass:25F41(CHAMELEON))
Crocodile (Iconclass:25F43(CROCODILE))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Man riding dromedary
Map of Africa (Iconclass:25A24)
Monkeys, apes (Simiiformes) (Iconclass:25F22)
Ostrich (Struthio) (Iconclass:25F38(OSTRICH))
Porcupine (Hystrix) (Iconclass:25F29(PORCUPINE))
Rhinoceros (Iconclass:25F24(RHINOCEROS))
Ships at sea (Iconclass:46C21(+4))
Snakes (Serpentes) (Iconclass:25F42)
Tortoises, turtles (Iconclass:25F44)
[IcoC4372] Cannibalism, cannibals (Iconclass:41C9)
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle)
Ships at sea (Iconclass:46C21(+4))
Wind as a human face, blowing with rounded cheeks (Iconclass:26C6)
Zodiac; the twelve zodiacal signs together (Iconclass:23O)
[IcoC2317] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Wind as a human face, blowing with rounded cheeks (Iconclass:26C6)
Zodiac; the twelve zodiacal signs together (Iconclass:23O)
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 6
[IcoC10551] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F281] Dioscorides 1
[IcoC9990] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F132] Philes 1
[IcoC9200] Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR))
Cat (Felis catus) (Iconclass:34B12(CAT))
Cattle (Iconclass:47I21)
Dromedary (Arabian camel; Camelus dromedarius) (Iconclass:25F24(DROMEDARY))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Fox (Vulpes) (Iconclass:25F23(FOX))
Frog (Iconclass:25F51(FROG))
Goat (Capra hircus) (Iconclass:47I214)
Hare (Lepus) (Iconclass:25F26(HARE))
Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION))
Monkeys, apes (Simiiformes) (Iconclass:25F22)
Mouse (Mus musculus) (Iconclass:25F26(MOUSE))
Ram (Iconclass:47I2131)
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Iconclass:25F24(RED DEER))
Rhinoceros (Iconclass:25F24(RHINOCEROS))
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) (Iconclass:25F24(WILD BOAR))
[F265] Title page (varia) 1
[IcoC9826] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F314] Lycosthenes 1
[IcoC9825] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F353] Gessner's Historia animalium or Icones, or Topsell 4
[IcoC9824] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F352] Münster's Cosmographia 1
[IcoC9342] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Riding on animal other than horse, ass, or mule (Iconclass:46C132)
[F281] Dioscorides 2
[IcoC9195] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) [F128] Aldrovandi's zoological works 1
[IcoC8348] Aurochs († Bos primigenius) (Iconclass:25F8(AUROCHS))
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR))
Date palm (Palma) (Iconclass:25G3(PALM-TREE))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Frog (Iconclass:25F51(FROG))
Pear (Pyrus) (Iconclass:25G3(PEAR-TREE))
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Iconclass:25F24(RED DEER))
Rhinoceros (Iconclass:25F24(RHINOCEROS))
Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241)
[F352] Münster's Cosmographia 1
[IcoC8258] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Ploughing (Iconclass:47I123)
[F352] Münster's Cosmographia 2
[IcoC8257] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Ploughing (Iconclass:47I123)
[F275] Crescenzi's Ruralia commoda 1
[IcoC8130] Amerigo Vespucci (Iconclass:61B2(AMERIGO VESPUCCI))
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) (Iconclass:98B(PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Inhabitants of Africa
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Parrot (Iconclass:25F35(PARROT))
Ships at sea (Iconclass:46C21(+4))
Wind as a human face, blowing with rounded cheeks (Iconclass:26C6)
[IcoC8069] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1)
Wind as a human face, blowing with rounded cheeks (Iconclass:26C6)
[IcoC7742] Ass, donkey (Iconclass:46C13142)
Camel (Iconclass:25F24(CAMEL))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Elk (Alces alces) (Iconclass:25FF24(ELK))
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (Iconclass:25F24(GIRAFFE))
Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141)
Ibex (Capra ibex) (Iconclass:25F24(IBEX))
Indian goat (Nubian goat?) (Iconclass:47I214(+0))
Llama (Iconclass:25F24(LLAMA))
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) (Iconclass:25F24(REINDEER))
Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241)
Wisent (Bison bonasus) (Iconclass:25F24(WISENT))
[F264] Title page (scholarly work) 1
[IcoC7743] Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Onager (Equus hemionus) (Iconclass:25F24(ONAGER))
Zebra (Iconclass:25F24(ZEBRA))
[IcoC7738] Eagle (Aquila) (Iconclass:25F33(EAGLE))
Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT))
Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141)
Putto (Iconclass:92D1916)
Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241)
[F264] Title page (scholarly work) 1