Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC9009] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N145] Parable of the wedding banquet [F92] 20th Sunday after Trinity 1
[IcoC723] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N170] Parable of the great banquet [F74] 1st Sunday after Trinity 12
[IcoC3194] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N132] Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning... [F58] Feast of St Martin (11 November) 1
[IcoC1903] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N90] The Work of the Spirit (Now I am going to him who sent me...) [F176] Gospel of John 2
[IcoC6173] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [F191] Life or passion of Christ 2
[IcoC1845] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) 15
[IcoC3628] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N170] Parable of the great banquet [F175] Gospel of Luke 10
[IcoC781] Parable of the great banquet (Iconclass:73C863) [N170] Parable of the great banquet [F75] 2nd Sunday after Trinity 38