Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC11518] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N202] Parable of the Pharisee and the publican [F83] 11th Sunday after Trinity 1
[IcoC11442] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N126] Healing of a man with dropsy [F89] 17th Sunday after Trinity 1
[IcoC9918] Calling of Zacchaeus (Iconclass:73C72631)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[F175] Gospel of Luke 1
[IcoC9018] Agony in the Garden (Iconclass:73D312)
Ascension (Iconclass:73E42)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
Crucifixion with Mary and John close together; sometimes Mary swooning (Iconclass:73D6411)
Risen Christ triumphant over death, sin, evil and Satan
[N16] Christ and Nicodemus [F13] Trinity Sunday 1
[IcoC7826] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N23] Christ's debate with Pharisees about the tribute to Caesar [F95] 23rd Sunday after Trinity 1
[IcoC7709] Baptism scene (Iconclass:11Q7321)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[IcoC7281] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N218] Healing of the royal official's son' [F93] 21st Sunday after Trinity 2
[IcoC1818] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N16] Christ and Nicodemus [F176] Gospel of John 5
[IcoC1807] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [F125] Credo (12th article) 1
[IcoC1658] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [F31] Feast of the Cross (3 May) 3
[IcoC1310] Baptism scene (Iconclass:11Q7321)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[F177] Gospel of Matthew 1
[IcoC779] Baptism scene (Iconclass:11Q7321)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[N16] Christ and Nicodemus [F13] Trinity Sunday 12
[IcoC860] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity 1
[IcoC815] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N19] The greatest commandment [F90] 18th Sunday after Trinity 5
[IcoC777] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [F71] Monday after Pentecost 11
[IcoC710] Baptism scene (Iconclass:11Q7321)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[N152] Testimony of John the Baptist [F17] 4th Sunday of Advent 5
[IcoC472] Baptism scene (Iconclass:11Q7321)
Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216)
[N16] Christ and Nicodemus [F176] Gospel of John 7
[IcoC1590] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N194] For my flesh is true food [F110] Feast of Corpus Christi 1
[IcoC208] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) [N16] Christ and Nicodemus [F13] Trinity Sunday 37
[IcoC171] Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) 9