Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC1427] Aurochs († Bos primigenius) (Iconclass:25F8(AUROCHS))
Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA))
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR))
Golden Hag (Golden Woman, Zlata Baba) (Iconclass:13G(+5))
Hunt: hoofed animals (Iconclass:43C11124)
Hunt: predatory animals (Iconclass:43C11123)
Map of Muscovy (Iconclass:25A3(MUSCOVY))
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
Satyrs (Iconclass:92L41)
Walrus (Iconclass:25F27(WALRUS))
Wisent (Bison bonasus) (Iconclass:25F24(WISENT))
Wolverine excreting (Iconclass:25F23(+459))
[IcoC8311] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA)) 1
[IcoC5849] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA))
Cannon (Iconclass:45C16(CANNON))
Ostrogski coat of arms
Trąby [horns] coat of arms
[IcoC8309] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA))
St Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Iconclass:11H(STANISLAUS OF SZCZEPANÓW))
[IcoC4765] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA))
Coat of arms of Russia (St George slaying the dragon)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
St Stanislaus raising Piotrowin
[F345] Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio 5
[IcoC4690] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA)) [N44] Story of the Battle of Orša [F265] Title page (varia) 1
[IcoC4743] Battle of Orsha (8 September 1514) (Iconclass:61I(BATTLE OF ORSHA))
Coat of arms of Russia (St George slaying the dragon)
Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms
St Stanislaus raising Piotrowin
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle 4