[IcoC1585] | Christ as teacher (Iconclass:73C7 ;73C8) | | [F99] Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (25 January) | | 2 |
[IcoC4213] | St Paul of Tarsus (Iconclass:11H(PAUL)) | [N37] Conversion of St Paul | [F99] Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (25 January) | | 3 |
[IcoC607] | Conversion of St Paul (Iconclass:73F2212) | [N37] Conversion of St Paul | [F99] Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (25 January) | | 18 |
[IcoC750] | Conversion of St Paul (Iconclass:73F2212) | | [F99] Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (25 January) | | 2 |
[IcoC840] | Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721) | [N36] The Disciples' Reward | [F99] Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (25 January) | | 3 |