[IcoC336] | Preparations for the flagellation of Christ (Iconclass:73D3511) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 12 |
[IcoC3591] | Mocking of Christ (Iconclass:73D353) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 18 |
[IcoC971] | Christ driving the money-changers from the temple (Iconclass:73D15) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 11 |
[IcoC3589] | Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 11 |
[IcoC1729] | Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 20 |
[IcoC3590] | Christ washing the feet of the apostles (Iconclass:73D23) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 14 |
[IcoC3592] | Christ led to the praetorium (Iconclass:73D323) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 26 |
[IcoC3576] | Arrest of Christ (Iconclass:73D314) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 27 |
[IcoC3577] | Christ before Caiaphas (Iconclass:73D322) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 15 |
[IcoC3584] | Flagellation of Christ (Iconclass:73D351) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 28 |
[IcoC3587] | Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 1 |
[IcoC3585] | Ecce homo (Iconclass:73D36) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 22 |
[IcoC3707] | Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 19 |
[IcoC3586] | Christ collapsing under the cross (Iconclass:73D411) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 25 |
[IcoC3348] | Descent from the Cross (Iconclass:73D71) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 4 |
[IcoC494] | Entry into Jerusalem (Iconclass:73D14) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 13 |
[IcoC3906] | Incredulity of Thomas (Iconclass:73E36) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 12 |
[IcoC3733] | Descensus ad inferos (Iconclass:73D9) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 10 |
[IcoC730] | Pentecost (Iconclass:73E5) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 20 |
[IcoC2364] | Crowning with thorns (Iconclass:73D352) | | [F191] Life or passion of Christ | | 22 |