[IcoC437] | Ascension (Iconclass:73E42) Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 1 |
[IcoC2210] | Martyrdom of St Andrew (Iconclass:73F253) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 3 |
[IcoC5190] | Martyrdom of St Thomas (Iconclass:11H(THOMAS)6) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 2 |
[IcoC5148] | Griffin (Iconclass:25FF231) Letter H (Iconclass:49L12(H)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 2 |
[IcoC4078] | Adoration of the shepherds (Iconclass:73B25) Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 1 |
[IcoC4494] | St Wenceslas (Iconclass:11H(WENCESLAS)) St Wenceslas flaming eagle | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 5 |
[IcoC4004] | St Augustine and the child on the sea-shore (Iconclass:11H(AUGUSTINE)342) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 7 |
[IcoC2180] | St Dominic (Iconclass:11H(DOMINIC)) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 4 |
[IcoC3893] | St Denis of Paris (Iconclass:11H(DENIS)) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 6 |
[IcoC3905] | St Bernardino of Siena (Iconclass:11H(BERNARDINO)) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 3 |
[IcoC3897] | Lactatio Sancti Bernardi (Iconclass:11H(BERNARD)342) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 7 |
[IcoC3865] | Communion under one kind (Iconclass:11Q731126) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 11 |
[IcoC3903] | Dormition (Iconclass:73E74) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 15 |
[IcoC3829] | Ten thousand martyrs (Iconclass:11H(ACHATIUS)61) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 16 |
[IcoC3892] | St Blaise | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 7 |
[IcoC3813] | St Paul of Tarsus (Iconclass:11H(PAUL)) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 22 |
[IcoC3853] | St Anna selbdritt (Virgin and Child with St Anne) (Iconclass:73A221) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 16 |
[IcoC3860] | Blessed Sacrament | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 7 |
[IcoC3814] | St James the Great (Iconclass:11H(JAMES THE GREAT)9) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 20 |
[IcoC3856] | St Catherine of Alexandria (Iconclass:11HH(CATHERINE)) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 10 |