[IcoC5222] | Crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene (Iconclass:73D643) Crucified Christ with Stephaton and/or Longinus (Iconclass:73D644) | [N30] Passion of Christ (Matthew) | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 3 |
[IcoC696] | Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1) Three Maries at the tomb (Iconclass:73E22) | | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 1 |
[IcoC3599] | Christ and the Canaanite woman (Iconclass:73C431) | | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 11 |
[IcoC928] | Healing of a woman with an issue of blood (Iconclass:73C464) | [N97] Doctrine of Christ on possessions ('No one can serve two masters ... Do not worry about tomorrow') | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 1 |
[IcoC774] | Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ (Iconclass:73C7247) | [N161] Jesus’ authority challenged | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 1 |