[IcoC4852] | Christ nailed to the cross (Iconclass:73D55) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 1 |
[IcoC3555] | Parable of the unmerciful servant (Iconclass:73C832) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 4 |
[IcoC3371] | Strife among the apostles which of them should be accounted the greatest (Iconclass:73D22) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 1 |
[IcoC3639] | Incredulity of Thomas (Iconclass:73E36) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 5 |
[IcoC3304] | Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 10 |
[IcoC3638] | Three Maries at the tomb (Iconclass:73E22) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 5 |
[IcoC2267] | Christ among the Doctors (Iconclass:73B9) | [N2] Christ among the Doctors | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 12 |
[IcoC3637] | Agony in the Garden (Iconclass:73D312) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 6 |
[IcoC3636] | Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 2 |
[IcoC3635] | Calling of Zacchaeus (Iconclass:73C72631) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 7 |
[IcoC3634] | Healing of a blind man sitting near Jericho (Iconclass:73C414) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 7 |
[IcoC3633] | Parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Iconclass:73C882) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 8 |
[IcoC3631] | Healing of ten lepers (Iconclass:73C452) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 11 |
[IcoC3629] | Parable of the unjust steward (Iconclass:73C833) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 8 |
[IcoC3627] | Healing of a man with dropsy (Iconclass:73C463) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 10 |
[IcoC3626] | Healing of a possessed man who was also dumb (Iconclass:73C432) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 7 |
[IcoC3625] | Parable of the Good Samaritan (Iconclass:73C861) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 9 |
[IcoC3624] | Healing of a woman with an issue of blood (Iconclass:73C464) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 3 |
[IcoC887] | Multiplication of loaves and fishes (Iconclass:73C612) | [N217] First multiplication of (five) loaves and fishes (Luke) | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 5 |
[IcoC1897] | Christ stilling the storm on the Sea of Galilee (Iconclass:73C31) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 3 |