[IcoC520] | Heavenly Jerusalem (Iconclass:73G5711) | | [F174] Revelation | | 26 |
[IcoC501] | Opening of the sixth seal: a great earthquake (Iconclass:73G313) | | [F174] Revelation | | 24 |
[IcoC504] | The first angel sounding the trumpet: hail, fire and blood cast upon the earth (Iconclass:73G321) | | [F174] Revelation | | 24 |
[IcoC503] | Opening of the seventh seal: silence in heaven (Iconclass:73G314) | | [F174] Revelation | | 15 |
[IcoC380] | Four horsemen of the Apocalypse (Iconclass:73G311) | | [F174] Revelation | | 27 |
[IcoC41] | Two witnesses and the beast (Iconclass:73G363) | [N41] The two witnesses and the beast | [F174] Revelation | | 31 |
[IcoC3] | Whore of Babylon (Iconclass:73G491) | [N40] Whore of Babylon | [F174] Revelation | | 27 |
[IcoC517] | Horseman whose name was Faithful and True (Christ) with his heavenly army (Iconclass:73G531) | | [F174] Revelation | | 29 |
[IcoC515] | Seven bowls of God’s wrath (Iconclass:73G48) | [N9] Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath | [F174] Revelation | | 29 |
[IcoC508] | The fifth angel sounds the trumpet, the bottomless pit and the plague of the monstruous locusts (Iconclass:73G325) | | [F174] Revelation | | 30 |
[IcoC519] | Gog and Magog (Iconclass:73G551) | | [F174] Revelation | | 12 |
[IcoC502] | Sealing of the 144,000 elect (Iconclass:73G331) | | [F174] Revelation | | 28 |
[IcoC498] | Vision of Christ between seven golden candlesticks (Iconclass:73G12) | | [F174] Revelation | | 29 |
[IcoC505] | The second angel sounding the trumpet: a great burning mountain cast into the sea (Iconclass:73G322) | | [F174] Revelation | | 16 |