[IcoC8348] | Aurochs († Bos primigenius) (Iconclass:25F8(AUROCHS)) Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR)) Date palm (Palma) (Iconclass:25G3(PALM-TREE)) Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) Frog (Iconclass:25F51(FROG)) Heron (Ardea) (Iconclass:25F37(HERON)) Pear (Pyrus) (Iconclass:25G3(PEAR-TREE)) Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Iconclass:25F24(RED DEER)) Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) (Iconclass:25F24(RHINOCEROS)) Swan (Cygnus) (Iconclass:25F36(SWAN)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | [N289] Fertility of ancient Germania | [F352] Münster's Cosmographia | | 1 |
[IcoC11350] | Albert, Duke of Prussia (Iconclass:61B2(ALBERT OF PRUSSIA)) Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR)) Cat (Felis catus) (Iconclass:34B12(CAT)) Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34) Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6) God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354) Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141) Labours of Adam and Eve (Iconclass:71A7) Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION)) Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Iconclass:25F24(RED DEER)) Squirrel (Sciurus) (Iconclass:25F26(SQUIRREL)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC11198] | Chameleon (Iconclass:25F41(CHAMELEON)) Crocodile (Iconclass:25F43(CROCODILE)) Defecation (Iconclass:31A62) Egyptian mongoose (ichneumon) (Iconclass:25FF23(ICHNEUMON)) Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Iconclass:25F26(EURASIAN BEAVER)) Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (Iconclass:25F24(GIRAFFE)) Hyena (Iconclass:25F23(HYENA)) Indian goat (Nubian goat?) (Iconclass:47I214(+0)) Map of the world (mappa mundi) (Iconclass:25A1) Opossum (Didelphis) (Iconclass:25F29(OPOSSUM)) Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) (Iconclass:25F24(RHINOCEROS)) Seals (Odobenidae) (Iconclass:25F27(SEAL)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) (Iconclass:25F38(TURKEY)) Wolverine (Gulo gulo) (Iconclass:25F23(WOLVERINE)) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC10766] | Dragon (Iconclass:25FF422) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC2077] | Boar (male pig) (Iconclass:47I2121) Cervidae (Iconclass:25F24) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 2 |
[IcoC10383] | Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (Iconclass:25F24(GIRAFFE)) Lynx (Iconclass:25F23(LYNX)) Parrot (Iconclass:25F35(PARROT)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC9229] | Onager (Equus hemionus) (Iconclass:25F24(ONAGER)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F132] Philes | Onager | 4 |
[IcoC9985] | Onager (Equus hemionus) (Iconclass:25F24(ONAGER)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | Onager | 1 |
[IcoC9984] | Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F132] Philes | Monoceros | 4 |
[IcoC9201] | Armadillo (Iconclass:25F29(ARMADILLO)) Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (Iconclass:25F24(GIRAFFE)) Ram (Iconclass:47I2131) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC9870] | Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F353] Gessner's Historia animalium or Icones, or Topsell | Monoceros | 4 |
[IcoC9820] | Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F352] Münster's Cosmographia | | 1 |
[IcoC9194] | Camphruch (Monoceros anseripes) (Iconclass:25FF241) Pirassoipi (unicorn with two horns) (Iconclass:25FF2412) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC8518] | Birds-of-paradise (Paradiseaidea) (Iconclass:25F35(BIRD OF PARADISE)) Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR)) Cervidae (Iconclass:25F24) Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6) Frog (Iconclass:25F51(FROG)) Monkeys, apes (Simiiformes) (Iconclass:25F22) Snails (Gastropoda) (Iconclass:25F72(SNAIL)) Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F173] Genesis | | 1 |
[IcoC8205] | Date palm (Palma) (Iconclass:25G3(PALM-TREE)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F130] Hortus sanitatis or plants or animals catalogue | | 1 |
[IcoC7742] | Ass, donkey (Iconclass:46C13142) Camel (Iconclass:25F24(CAMEL)) Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) Elk (Alces alces) (Iconclass:25FF24(ELK)) Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (Iconclass:25F24(GIRAFFE)) Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141) Ibex (Capra ibex) (Iconclass:25F24(IBEX)) Indian goat (Nubian goat?) (Iconclass:47I214(+0)) Llama (Lama glama) (Iconclass:25F24(LLAMA)) Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) (Iconclass:25F24(REINDEER)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) Wisent (Bison bonasus) (Iconclass:25F24(WISENT)) | | [F264] Title page (scholarly work) | | 1 |
[IcoC7738] | Eagle (Aquila) (Iconclass:25F33(EAGLE)) Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141) Putto (Iconclass:92D1916) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F264] Title page (scholarly work) | | 1 |
[IcoC2922] | Coat of arms of Cracow Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION)) Orzeł Biały [white eagle] coat of arms Pogoń [chase] coat of arms Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | [F265] Title page (varia) | | 4 |
[IcoC7469] | Narwhal Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC1652] | Dog (Canis familiaris) (Iconclass:34B11) Dragon (Iconclass:25FF422) Elephant (Iconclass:25F25(ELEPHANT)) Elk (Alces alces) (Iconclass:25FF24(ELK)) Griffin (Iconclass:25FF231) Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141) Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION)) Lynx (Iconclass:25F23(LYNX)) Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241) | | | | 1 |