[IcoC854] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | | [F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC1709] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | [N19] The greatest commandment | [F90] 18th Sunday after Trinity | | 5 |
[IcoC1759] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | [N64] Which of you convicts Me of sin? (Attempt to stone Christ) | [F5] 5th Sunday of Lent | | 3 |
[IcoC1866] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | | [F265] Title page (varia) | | 1 |
[IcoC838] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | [N22] Warning against false prophets | [F80] 8th Sunday after Trinity | | 3 |
[IcoC1762] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Warning against the Pharisees or Sadducees | | [F39] Feast of St Matthias (24 February) | | 1 |
[IcoC7642] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) | | [F114] Credo (1st article) | | 2 |
[IcoC474] | Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) | [N88] Christ as the Living Bread Which Came Down from Heaven | [F176] Gospel of John | | 3 |
[IcoC150] | Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2) Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5) Christ Child with the cross or arma Christi (Iconclass:11D233) Coat of arms of Stanisław Hozjusz Cross as a symbol of Christ (Iconclass:11D121) Crucifixion (Iconclass:73D6) Descensus ad inferos (Iconclass:73D9) Dove of the Holy Ghost (Iconclass:11E1) Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11) Elevation of the brazen serpent (Iconclass:71E3242) Four cardinal virtues (Iconclass:11M4) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243) Manus Dei (Iconclass:11C12) Prudentia (Prudence) (Iconclass:11M41) Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1) Three Theological Virtues (Iconclass:11M3) | | | | 2 |
[IcoC4250] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Prayer (Iconclass:11Q2) | [N191] Uphold me according unto thy word | | | 1 |
[IcoC5517] | Christ carrying the Cross (Iconclass:73D41) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) | | [F146] Pater noster (3rd petition) | | 1 |
[IcoC5758] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter K (Iconclass:49L12(K)) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC2934] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Pope (Iconclass:11P3111) Ruler, sovereign (Iconclass:44B1) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC1678] | Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) | | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 4 |
[IcoC1414] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Prayer (Iconclass:11Q2) | | | | 9 |
[IcoC241] | Apostles God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Risen Christ | | | | 1 |
[IcoC70] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) | | | | 6 |
[IcoC3190] | God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Prayer (Iconclass:11Q2) | | [F143] Pater noster (invocation) | | 3 |
[IcoC1398] | Christ blessing children (Iconclass:73C7224) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Prophets (Iconclass:71O; 71S) | | [F192] Title page (postil or sermons) | | 4 |
[IcoC6136] | Christ blessing children (Iconclass:73C7224) God the Father (Iconclass:11C) Prophets (Iconclass:71O; 71S) | | [F265] Title page (varia) | | 1 |