Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
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[IcoC12874]Fat-Tailed Sheep
Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (Agnus scythicus; Planta Tartarica Barometz) (Iconclass:25GG4(VEGETABLE LAMB OF TARTARY))
[IcoC10657]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Garden of Eden, paradise (Iconclass:71A321)
Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (Agnus scythicus; Planta Tartarica Barometz) (Iconclass:25GG4(VEGETABLE LAMB OF TARTARY))
[F264] Title page (scholarly work)
[IcoC7467]Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (Agnus scythicus; Planta Tartarica Barometz) (Iconclass:25GG4(VEGETABLE LAMB OF TARTARY))