(Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
IcoC | Iconography | Narrative | Functional context | Caption | Things |
[IcoC13178] | Four-horned hoofed animals Kri-kri (Capra hircus cretica) Three-horned ram of Iceland | 1 |
[IcoC11749] | Fat-Tailed Sheep Kri-kri (Capra hircus cretica) Mis-shapen animals; monsters (Iconclass:25F9) Sheep (Ovis aries) (Iconclass:47I213) Three-horned hoofed animals | [F128] Aldrovandi's zoological works | 1 |
[IcoC11080] | Kri-kri (Capra hircus cretica) | Strepsiceros | 3 |
[IcoC11081] | Kri-kri (Capra hircus cretica) | [F353] Gessner's Historia animalium or Icones, or Topsell | Strepsiceros | 5 |