Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
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IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC9055]Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115)
Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261)
[IcoC8976]Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115)
Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261)
[N145] Parable of the wedding banquet[F92] 20th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC8848]Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115)
Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261)
[N100] Christ instructing the disciples on reconciliation[F14] 6th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC8994]Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115)
Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261)
[N29] Calling of St Matthew[F53] Feast of St Matthew the Apostle (21 September)